Escaping Reality

As fugitives, we go throughout our lives escaping from our reality, running and hiding from its claws, we seek redemption from this evil reality wandering around alternate realities in order to enter in the sweet realm of dreams where everything is possible. The question is: Are we condemned to live our whole life escaping from reality to encounter short periods of bliss in our dreams or is it possible that we can make dreams become our daily reality?

There is no wonder why most humans constantly seek through different ways to escape reality to enter the realm of dreams. Real life can be oppressing, limiting, boring and destructive, therefore we use different methods to escape from the tedious routines from our daily reality to release ourselves and travel to the place where dreams dwell, that wonderful place where everything is possible.

Oh, how beautiful and magical is that place where we travel with our imagination where anything can happen! In that place, there is no sorrow, no pain, no fear, no judgment, no limitations. There is pure bliss, a complete state of ecstasy that makes us touch the sky with our own hands. We can be whoever we want and do whatever we want, the options are endless, and the perk of having no boundaries is that makes our mind fly freely with our imagination.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Our reality and that place where dreams are possible, seem to be so distant that makes us feel that there is no way that they could one day meet along the path of our lives and become one. The problem is that we seek to be in the clouds by using earthly things as our way to escape not knowing that in order to reach the sky, we have to first release ourselves from the heavy weight of earthly objects to be able to fly among the stars.

What I mean is, that there is no way we can buy dreams, we might think that money, material possessions, power, fame, alcohol, drugs or whatever humans use to run away from reality can make our dreams come true and make us happy, but even though that can work for a short period of time, dreams can only become true if we create them, first with our imagination and second by making them happen, with ideas, plans, hard work, commitment, perseverance, and faith.

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

Why running away from reality when we can create the reality we want to experience? One that can look like our dreams, one that can reflect our desires and one that can bring us the feelings we would like to experience. The first step is by acceptance, we need to stop running away so we can face our reality, once we accept and understand what is around us, we can separate the things we cannot change and those we can, and so focus on all those aspects of our lives that we can change and improve in order to make our dreams become our reality.

Once we understand that we have the potential to create the reality we do want to experience, we automatically change the way we see our reality, and it ceases to be the oppressing cage we thought it was, becoming the realm of dreams where everything is possible, becoming a place of opportunities. Once you accept the current circumstances and change the way you see your reality, then you have to become the person you want to become without being afraid of judgment, when you are no longer afraid of the opinions and criticism of others, you are free to be here and now whatever you wish to become, after that, success is inevitable.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

Change your thoughts, and you will change your whole life. Dreams and fairy tales are possible only if you believe they are and if you do what you have to do in order to make them happen. Even if some things do not go as planned and adversity knocks our doors, we are the ones that say: “This is not how my story will end, this is how it begins, and here I will start again and continue moving forward!” Can’t you see it? We have been given that power, the power to face all adversity, the power to make this world a better place for all, a place where dreams happen, a place where we can all live happy and fulfilling lives.

As John Lennon once said: “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” I consider myself an unstoppable dreamer and a tireless advocate of making dreams become a reality. Life is not something we need to run away from, but an opportunity to embrace, an opportunity to make dreams part of our reality!

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