Follow your heart and intuition.


It’s very complicated these days to just be yourself, but as Steve Jobs said: follow your heart and intuition and be who you want to be and not what somebody else want, it is you and only you that will live your life anyway right?.


But I know, it is very easy to be contaminated by the society in which we are living and without losing ourselves, don’t you think so?. And you get in those moments where you don’t know who you really are and what are you really doing here.

The problem is that we look without really seeing, we don’t live, we just exist. 

We don’t let ourselves be who we really want to be, and why? because of one of the most lethal things that exist in this world:



Fear of what?

Fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of what other people will think about us.


”The greatest prison that people lives in is the fear of what other people think.”


We think we are free, but we are not. We live in an invisible prison, that we create with our thoughts. That’s why we don’t let ourselves be whoever we wanted to be.

We dream, we wish, but we don’t believe, we just believe in what other people say, if they say that what you want is hard to get and impossible and that you are crazy for even thinking about it, you believe it, you accept those words as a reality, and you start being what society tell you to be, forgetting who you really are.




I know that you already know what you want to become in this world, maybe you are not 100% conscious about that, but there is something that you love to do, that makes you smile and makes you enjoy life in a way  you have never experienced  before. I guess that you have felt that many times before, and that is being your true self, that is saying to the world you know what? This is what makes me happy, This is who I really am!

It’s unbelievable how we limit ourselves by not following our heart and intuition. We do what we are supposed to do, because they tell you that there is no other way to live. You have to do the right things at the right time, if you want a happy life. But if it were like that, why most of the people in this world are not happy?

Because we do what someone else told us to do and not what we really wanted to do.

We live as if we will live forever, letting everything for tomorrow, but no matter what you have done in this life, we all end in the same place someday.

So break the walls of fear that are around you, don’t be trapped any more by others opinions, remember that somebody else’s opinions don’t have to become your reality.


”Your life is yours, live it!”


Life goes too fast to waste it, there is so many beautiful things, and there is so much to be grateful and happy for.

So go out, live the life that you always wanted, be the person you always wanted to be, be a voice and not an echo,  give to others what you want to receive and above all:

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, this is actually what we really are. A beautiful human beings, with  the ability to be and get whatever we want, and we have the power to change other people lives, and our lives and so… The entire world!


”The problem is, that we think we have time.” – Buddha


So the time is now, don’t wait until you don’t have it anymore. So enjoy the present, is what we have right now and nothing else, and if you want to see the future, see what you are doing now, do not let things for tomorrow, there may be no tomorrow.

Today is the day to be happy, to celebrate, to be grateful, to have joy, to feel love and be just yourself.!

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