We Change the World with One Small Action at a Time

Every revolution begins with a small step. Every small action or thought carries the seed of our own success. It is by one small action, by one small thought what can put the world upside down, it is the small details that create a huge difference and impact on the way human beings live and experience life. One small change can push us forward in the right direction, and the effect will expand and continue without stopping, creating many ripples. Every small action combined will create an impact of massive proportions. Will you accept the challenge? 

One of the main reasons why we tend to fail on the road to success is that we become overwhelmed by how difficult it is to achieve what one desires. The goal normally seems unreachable, rough, distant, or impossible, and because of that, we tend to give up before we even start. Once I wrote that the smalls steps are the ones that push us closer to our dreams and goals making the impossible possible, the unreachable reachable, because the truth is that it is the small actions, carried out day and night, the small thoughts, the small details on every aspect of our lives what creates a revolution, what gives us the power to recreate ourselves anew and gives us the control to create the destiny we wish to obtain.

The problem is that small does not mean easy, and that is what normally tends to stop us from doing that little thing that can change our lives and the lives of others around us. It is important to know that it won’t be easy, nothing that can help us change our life, nothing that can create the life we want to experience and nothing that can give us the reality we wish to experience is going to be easy, therefore, we have to be willing to commit ourselves fully on this project, and accept the fact that the road will be hard and painful, but the result will be worth it.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

What is the main obstacle that can stop us from doing that small change that can change our life and the lives of others? Fear. Fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of the unknown. We are afraid of being rejected by those who think different, we are afraid of being humiliated, we are afraid of not fitting in, we are afraid of failing in the road to our goals and dreams, and we are afraid of not being able to reach the utmost goal what can give us utter disappointment, we are afraid of what will come next, of what is waiting on the other side once we have decided to walk into the unknown.  

Here you can see that the first limitation we find is our own minds dominated by the power of our fears. It is fear the main cause of failure and the one capable to limit the potential we have to create the life we wish to experience and the change we want to create in the world. Knowing this, it is important to not let fear to control our lives, and we do that not by running away, but by facing them and we do so by one small change in our thoughts. Change your thoughts, begin with a small action, face your fears and change the world.

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – Mother Teresa

I sometimes find people trying to convince me that small changes are worthless and that the world will never be changed, no matter how hard I try. Looking it from their side, you can see that the phrase “change the world” seems pretty big, and you can see that a small action is far from creating the utmost goal of changing the world, and that is easier to do nothing than to face what seems to be a complete failure.

However, if you look it from the perspective of those who believe they can make a difference, you understand that perhaps the utmost goal will not be achieved by one person and on a specific time, and maybe not even long after we have left this world, but you do not let that to limit you because you know that it is the small actions of every human repeated every day and when they are put together makes the impossible possible.

“While it may seem small, the ripple effects of small things is extraordinary.” – Matt Bevin

Everything created by humans was once started by one small thought and action, one small change. Every building was once a drawing on a paper, every small action put together by many different people created the drawing into a reality. The key is to believe that it can be done, and with commitment, perseverance and by one good example we can change the world. You can be today the kind of person that decides to do nothing to change their life and the life of others because it is hard or impossible, and waste your potential or you can be that one person that can begin to change the world one action at a time. Remember that it does not matter how little you think you are doing, every small action is never wasted, in fact, it is by our daily positive, kind, and loving actions what make us heroes. 

The world needs more people willing to change the world for the better, we all need more people willing to create a better tomorrow for all of us. Start now, join our side, and together let’s change the world! 

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