Everything is possible, believe it!

Everything is possible, we can make our dreams come true, but we must believe in ourselves, because a dream is just a dream and it will always be that if we don’t do anything to change that!


Since we were born we have been blessed with the most wonderful gift we can ever have…

The gift of life


You came to this wonderful place to be the most amazing person you can ever been, you came to have it all, you came to discover who you really are and who do you want to be and you have all the resources to have the life of your dreams, but for some reason we just make this amazing life look like a horrible place…

and why? Why having it all to make this place a paradise we just want to keep saying that life is a nasty place? Why?


Because people have a special passion:

The passion for suffering!


I mean I’m serious, because with one thought just one single thought you can change everything, with a wonderful feeling, that feeling called:

Love: love for everything around you.


”We came to love and be loved.”


If you just can have love and give love to every single person and thing around you, you can transform this place into a paradise, you will find the true happiness, if you just can feel gratitude for everything, every single day, every single second of your life, for everything  you got, you have and you will have and I swear that  you can transform this place into heaven, you can have it all, all you ever dreamed of, you just have to believe, believe in you, believe that everything is out there waiting for you to start believing! You must be happy and grateful for everything you already have and you have to love yourself with all your heart so then you can love everyone, and I’m saying every one!  Not only your wife, husband, children, girlfriend, boyfriend, family or friend, every single person in this world!  See? We can just live in heaven but not, we don’t and why?

Because we don’t believe, we only focus in what we don’t want, in what we hate, in how hard life is and how disgusting is and why?

Like I said we just don’t believe in the things that look too good, we just think: Oh no there must be something wrong with that! Is not possible, magic doesn’t exist, just accept that life is horrible! So when you have the possibility to have the job of your dreams and earn the money you ever wanted, you just think: Oh no! it sounds too good, I can’t have it, dreams can’t come true or you found the love of your life but what do you think? She/he must be lying in some point, She/he can’t be so perfect or amazing, She/he will probably hurt me one day and I will be devastated, so what do you do with all those fears and thoughts?


”You create your own reality.”



You just make your thoughts come true, you make your dreams be only that.. Dreams for ever and nothing else, you can make it true! But no, people doesn’t want to because people don’t believe, they don’t love themselves  so they think they can’t have it all because you think you don’t deserve it just because you don’t love yourself and because you don’t love yourself you can’t love other and others can’t love you, so you are back again in your horrible reality thinking life is horrible, life is suffering, I can’t have it all, dreams can’t come true, love doesn’t exist, so you just conform yourself with nothing, with a horrible life, with a job you don’t want, with a relationship that sucks because you just think you can’t have better things and only because  you only want to believe that life is like that, you leave everything to destiny, to luck and to whatever you think, you complain about everything and you keep living as life was a fortune wheel where someone can have a wonderful life, a wonderful family, friends, the love of their dreams, the money, the job and anything their ever wanted and that you have been the unlucky one and that you have to accept it.

But let me tell you something, you make your own reality, you can have it all, you can have the life of your dreams, the love of your life, the best friends in the world, the job you ever wanted, everything!

Just start believing in it!


”Believe you can and you are halfway there.”



And don’t forget to love yourself and love anyone around you, give love every single day of your life because if you don’t give it, how are you going to have it then?

Be grateful for every single thing you have and you will have and for every single person around you who makes the life a better place!

Be happy and grateful for what you got, for what you have, for what you will have, love with all your heart, believe that the things you want are there waiting for you and believe that dreams can come true, if you really want!


”There is always something to be grateful for.”


You have everything you want, is just there in front of your eyes believe and you will see it! Believe that good things are not possible and continue with your life and thinking that life is suffering, that your job has to be the worst thing, that you can’t earn the money you want and that you relationship has to be horrible, that you have to suffer and cry and be sad, because everyone says that life is like that!

So, if you don’t want that reality anymore, start believing now and you will see that everything is possible, that you deserve the best in the world, that you deserve to be happy, you deserve to be loved and anything you want!

Believe and you will see what you can’t see, Believe and you will be happy for ever,  Believe and you will make your dreams come true!


It is my wish to you and every single person of this amazing world! 🙂

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