Be careful of your thoughts

Be careful of your thoughts, they control your life, as they have all the power to create your reality. What you see in your life it’s merely a set of thoughts, and that is why people have different realities. Your reality is the product of your thinking.

We are thinking all the time, and how we feel in that moment depends in what is in our mind in that particular moment. Our thoughts can be positive or negative, but never both at the same time, what is going to give us our emotions, and our reality. So how you feel will be the result of what you were thinking. Remember that your thoughts have the power to control your emotions. So you will find that the key to control your emotions lies in your thoughts, if you want to change your reality, change the way you are thinking.

We can divide our thoughts in positive and negative thoughts, where our positive thoughts are those that make us feel good like thoughts of happiness, joy or gratitude, and then we have our negative thoughts that make us feel bad like sadness, anxiety or fear. So we can feel happy or we can feel sad, the choice is made by us depending in our thoughts, if you have positive thoughts you will feel happy, if you have negative thoughts you will feel miserable.

“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” – Peace Pilgrim

Everything is connected; your thoughts give you your emotions and feelings, what will form your behavior, and what will give your reality. So, to change our life experience, we must change our thinking, we must choose those thoughts based in positive things, so we can have better feelings and good emotions, what will make us to have a better behavior, what will give us a reality full of happiness and joy.

It takes only one thought to change everything, one different thought and you will not only change how you feel in a particular moment, but you will change your whole life experience. It takes only one positive thought to go from sadness to happiness; you just have to say to yourself that no matter what is happening right now, this is not the end, and you will be happy, because you deserve it.

“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.” – Mahatma Gandhi

I can say from my own experience that this is not something easy to do, but I can also say that is possible. What we have to do is to control our thoughts, and not let our thoughts to control us, and the easiest way is to open our perspective, so we can see everything in a different way, and understand that what is happening to us is happening for a reason, a reason we must learn to comprehend, so we can learn to see the positive side of it, a positive side that is sometimes hard to see because of our limited perspective.

We must be aware of the power of our thoughts, so we can control it, especially the negative thoughts, otherwise it will control us and it will destroy us. The day we learn how to control our thoughts, we will be capable of choosing a positive thought rather than a negative thought, and so we will decide to be happy at every moment rather than be sad needlessly.

“Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts.” – Buddha


Always remember that your thoughts creates your reality, whatever you are thinking right now is what you are going to experience in your life. The negative thoughts will give you negative feelings, what will give you unfortunate situations, and everything around will seem to be against you, when in fact, is you the one who are against yourself, because you have chosen to have negative thoughts, negative emotions and negative behaviors what gave you your miserable and awful reality. But if you choose positive thoughts, you will have positive emotions and positive behaviors that will give you happy situations what is going to make you feel happy about your life because your reality will be amazing.

Look around you, if you can only see a miserable life, look again, there is always something to be happy for no matter what you are going through, take the negative thoughts away from your mind, and flood your mind with positive thoughts and you will see what you couldn’t see so far.

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