Love Yourself

The longest relationship you will ever have is with yourself, so the best decision you can make is to love yourself first. Once you decide to love yourself, everything around you will make more sense, and you will no longer suffer needlessly.

We suffer needlessly because we seek for others to give us the love we can’t give to ourselves, and when we seek for others to love us, we become dependent on the love of others to be happy, so when someone doesn’t love us and treat us as we would like, we feel sad, and our whole world falls apart.

We go through life begging for love, settling for a mediocre love, accepting a love that is much less than the one we deserve, and we do that because we don’t love ourselves, and we don’t love ourselves because we haven’t realized what kind of person we really are, we are not aware of our potential, we are not aware that we are beautiful human beings, with the power to make our dreams become a reality, we don’t love ourselves because we have forgotten who we really are and why are we here, we don’t love ourselves because we have forgotten that we can change the world and every human being on it in a second with the love, passion, strength and kindness that everyone has within ourselves.

“If you don’t love yourself, you’ll always be chasing after people who don’t love you either.” – Mandy Hale

When we don’t love ourselves we become a victim of our daily circumstances, accepting a pathetic role where everything seems to be against us, when the truth is that we are against ourselves. The day we decided not to love ourselves, we decided to become a victim of the opinions and behaviors of others. It is not the world who is against you, it is you who is against yourself, and it’s you whom have decided to be a victim by letting the situations and people in your life to affect you, rather than loving yourself, and accepting those things that you deserve and letting go the rest.

When you really love yourself, you will no longer beg for love, and you will accept the love of others because you want it, not because you need it, and you will give love to everyone around you, without the need to have it back, what will make you less vulnerable to the actions of others. Once you have made the decision to love yourself as you really are, you will realize what kind of person you truly are, you will see how beautiful you are and what you can give to others, and you will no longer be devastated for the opinions and behaviors of others.

“Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Be true to yourself. How you treat yourself sets the standard for how others will treat you.” – Steve Maraboli

Once you realize how amazing you really are, you will accept yourself with your perfections and imperfections, and you will start to love yourself, and once you do that, you will start to finally respect yourself, and you will decide to go after those things that makes you feel happy, and every decision you will ever make will be based in those things that push you forward, leaving behind those things that push you backwards.

We can’t make peace with our life if we don’t make peace with ourselves first, and we can only do that loving ourselves. The day you decide to love yourself, you will find peace, not because everything around you has changed, but because you have changed, and then you will not be a victim anymore, but a creator of your own destiny, going after people, situations and experiences that will make you be the best version of yourself you can be, and you will never accept something you don’t deserve again.

Decide to love yourself and make peace with you and with everyone around you, because the world and the humans suffering on it can only be healed by those people who truly love themselves, because those who truly love themselves, also love life, and when you love life and every being on it, you want to give them the best, so they can love themselves as well.

Your behavior is a reflection of what you have in your heart, if there is love, then you will love others, and you will receive it back multiplied.

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