Why Do We Fall?

We fall because there is something there we are supposed to find, otherwise we wouldn’t have fallen. Sometimes we lack something in our lives we don’t even know we are missing, we realize that when we fall. It is in that place of darkness and suffering where we find the light we were looking for, it is in that place where we find ourselves.

Falling is part of life, because it is not something you can avoid. After all, the only way you can avoid falling is by doing nothing and being no one. So falling isn’t as bad as it seems, it is actually the opposite because once you rise back you will never be the same again, you will be different, for the better. Falling doesn’t mean you have to live the rest of your life in that place, it depends on you to get up again and keep moving forward, or give up and stay in that place of suffering and despair for the rest of your life.

You can’t decide not to fall, but you can decide whether you will surrender and stay there forever, or you will stand up and you will keep moving forward. Falling does not define yourself, what defines you is the decision you make, you can either define yourself as a victim of life’s circumstances making yourself a loser, or you can define yourself as the creator of your destiny making yourself a winner.

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Confucius

Life can be mean, but it always has a purpose for doing what it does, most of the time we cannot understand it due to our limited perspective as human beings, but in the darkness, there is always a hidden gift waiting to be discovered, the key is to find it. It is all about learning to see in the dark, if you can do that, if you can see the light in the darkness, your whole life will change. You will no longer see falling as punishment but rather an opportunity to improve yourself, because you will be able to see that sometimes we fall, so we can become a better version of ourselves.

Okay I know, falling is painful but it depends on you if you are going to let the pain you are feeling destroy you, or if you are going to embrace the pain and use it as a trigger for the greatness you have within yourself, what will reveal the wonderful power and potential in you, that you don’t even know you had, and believe me, we have within ourselves a powerful spirit capable of doing anything we want, the problem is we don’t know that until life puts us to a test. It is when we fall into that dark and hopeless place that we have the wonderful opportunity to reveal the greatness we have inside of us. It is in that place where your old self dies, and your new self comes to life.

“Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.” – Alfred – Batman.

Falling is painful but not lethal, falling is not a punishment but an opportunity, it is you and only you who can decide if you are going to remain in that place of darkness and pain for the rest of your life, or if you are going to learn to see the light in the dark, releasing the wonderful potential you have within yourself. You can get up, you can start again, you can rise like the sun does every morning, you don’t have to be in the dark forever, cowards do that, and you are much better than that!

Arise my friend and keep fighting, until you beat a life with a knockout, you can do it, because you are a winner!

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