Failure is the road to success

You must be wondering: Failure, the road to success? And yes, it is, depending on how we let failure affect us. It can be a killer of dreams, or it can be the road that leads us to success.

Failure: a simple word with just a lot of meaning. A word that makes us have Goosebumps just reading it, a word that scares and blocks us from moving forward, a word that dominates us for the meaning and power we all gave it to it to control ourselves. Failure is why we haven’t made our dreams a reality; failure is what makes us keep dreaming without real achievement.

But failure wasn’t always a ‘’bad word’’.

When we were kids, failure was just a word that made us try harder, and that made us better and better. When you are a kid, failure is what gives you the strength to keep moving forward until you succeed.

Remember when you were just a baby? I guess not, but let’s try to go back to those times when everything seemed possible. For example, when we were trying to walk…

We felt many times until we really made it, right? We tried a lot to get on our feet and walk, and we failed over and over again, but we gave up? No! We are where we are now using our feet and walking, we don’t even think about it, but one time we tried so hard to do what now seems normal, and we are doing it because we believed and we never gave up.

We didn’t stop until we succeed, we used failure as a motivation to keep trying, we had a goal and we kept pushing ourselves until we reached it.

”Failure is success if you learn from it.’’ – Malcolm Forbes

And why did we succeed every time we wanted to learn something new when we were kids?

Because we never gave up! In those moments, you don’t get contaminated by society; you don’t have fears that don’t let you do what you want. When you are a kid, you can see what others can do and use that as a way to know that everything is possible. When we grow up, we can also see that others can do it, but because of our fears and lack of self-esteem, we believe the fake story we told to ourselves that some of us can and some of us just can’t do it,  and so you give up, or what is worst you haven’t even tried.  So the problem when we grow up is that actually we start to have more fears than when we were kids. We listen to what others say, we stop believing in ourselves, and we start to use failure as a way to have an excuse for giving up.

If you didn’t give up because of failure, then you didn’t even start because of the fear of it, am I right?

We have to go back to those moments when we were just ourselves, those moments where we believed that everything was possible and that failure wasn’t an ending but an opportunity to improve ourselves. Let’s go back to those moments where you embrace failure as a motivation and where you go out and try over and over again until you make your goal a reality.

”Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison

The dictionary says that Failure is a lack of success. Still, my experience and the experiences of people who never gave up taught me that failure is the way life has to tell us that we are in the right way to achieving our goals, because if you weren’t doing anything, you will never know what failure was, nor success. You were just settled in a normal life and just existing, accepting a life where dreams are not possible.

”I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.”– Michael Jordan

Use failure as a tool to make you to be even better than you have imagined, use it as an opportunity to keep moving forward, knowing that it doesn’t matter how many times you will fall, you will stand up every single time until you make your goal a reality.

Don’t make more excuses, do not let more the fears to control your life and emotions, and stop believing what other people say about it, what they think about your goal, it’s their reality and not yours. Not matter what happen just keep moving forward, if you felt 8 times, you got up 10. If people don’t believe in your dream, use that as a motivation to continue because you believe, and so you will keep trying, you will keep getting better, and you will be successful, and so you will make others know that they were wrong about you and your dreams. 

”Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It’s the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

Remember that failure is only real if you gave up! so don’t do it, never, until you succeed, do that for you and for the entire world, so they can use you as inspiration to make their dreams a reality.

Do not let failure be the killer of your dreams and remember that failure is the road to success!

4 thoughts on “Failure is the road to success”

    1. Hello Riya! Wow, thank you for such wonderful words! It is a pleasure for me to know that my experiences and thoughts are useful for other people. I am glad to be able to motivate others. Thank you for visiting my blog and for trying to find the right motivation to become the best version of yourself, to be happy, successful and have a wonderful life!

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