What motivates me?

There is one simple question we must ask ourselves: What motivates me?, once you find the answer to that question, you will find the reason of your existence, so you will finally know why are you here and what is your mission on this planet.

 Motivation is the key to success

I really believe that every human on earth is here for a reason, the trick is to find it. The best way to know what is our purpose in this life is by knowing what really motivates us. Motivation is what causes us to act in a specific way at a particular time and can be influenced by different factors that can be internal or external, so our motivations will determine our behaviors, and our behaviors will determine our future.

What is really important is that we must find what really motivates us to do something, because if those motivations are based in obligations created by external factors, we will feel frustrated even if we have achieved the goals imposed by those factors. And the reason why we feel frustrated is because we haven’t fulfilled our most desired goals, because we have allowed fear to interfere with our dreams, and when we do that, we let fear be our motivation, so we act according to our fears, letting them to control us, what makes us to go in the opposite direction of our goals and dreams. The only way to avoid this is by believing that our dreams are bigger than any fear, so we will use fear as a motivation rather than using fear as an excuse.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain

We must find what really motivates us in our life and what really motivates us to live our life and not only to exist are those things based in our true self. Those motivations that have been influenced by our deepest desires are those who are going to make us to be the best version of ourselves so we can make our dreams a reality, and that is the only way to live a happy and fulfilled life.

The trick to find our true motivation in life is to listen to our heart, so you can know what you truly want to become, and once you know that, from now on your motivations will be based in your true desires, what will make you to act in a certain way at every moment to achieve those desires. Once you find what really motivates you, stick to it and never let it go, because that motivation will make you to do whatever you can to reach your goals, and you will transform what it was impossible into possible.

“To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.” – Tony Dorsett

What I want you to understand is that you must find those things that motivates you to be the person you always wanted to be, and the only way to do that is to listen the call from your soul and follow your heart at any time. It’s not going to be easy but it’s going to be worth it, because there is nothing that can give us more happiness than doing what we came here to do. So every time you are doing something always ask yourself why? Why am I doing this? What motivates me? Are those motivations influenced by my deepest desires or are those motivations based in someone else’s dreams?

I truly believe that those in which their actions are based in their deepest desires are those who live life to the fullest, because I think nothing is impossible for those who find what really motivates them in their lives and follow their hearts every step of the way. Those people never give up against adversity, because their motivations are also influenced by fears and doubts, what makes them to keep going forward because their desires and dreams are greater that their fears. Those people are motivated by their biggest dreams and not only motivated by simple goals, and when your motivation is influenced by the need to realize your dreams, is when you reach your full potential, and you fulfill you deepest goals and desires.

Find what motivates you, because that is the spark that will ignite the engine that will push you forward in your life and what will make you be the greatest version of yourself, and all your dreams will be a reality and you will have a happy and fulfilled life.

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