We are all one

We are all one, and the separation between humans, created by us, is what made dehumanization something possible. The fact is that we are all human beings, and we all deserve the same rights, regardless of where we belong.

We are all one, we are the same breed, we are not separated from each other, we are part of something, and even though we can be an individualization of something bigger, in the end we are all the same. We came to this world in the same way, as we were created in the same way.

Somehow, we have created an illusion, we have created an unreal catalog, where all the human beings on earth have been categorized, and so separated from each other, and when you are separated from anything else, you are also separated from yourself, then you are not yourself anymore, and you start to be what someone else wanted you to be.

“Our separation from each other is an optical illusion.” – Albert Einstein

So we are separated from each other, and so we are separate from our own self as well, for we lose any right to think, believe, speak, feel, and do whatever we want. We become a product of our own separation, you think, speak and act according to which category you belong in this absurd catalogue created by humans for humans.

The worst atrocities carried out, and those that still happen every day, are possible because we have been separated from each other, which gave us the wrong belief that we are different and that some of us are better than others.

“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” – Chief Seattle

We are all one; we all should have the same rights, and nobody deserves more than another; everyone has the same right to live on this earth, and nobody for any reason should remove that right from anyone. If we could just learn to understand each other and accept our differences, then this world could finally find peace.

We are all one under the same sky, and that is heaven on earth, but we decided to live a nightmare, we decided to separate from each other, and so we decided to turn heaven into hell, and suffer for the rest of our days.

We are all one regardless of Nationality, Gender, Race, Age, Religion, Culture, Sexual Preferences, or Social Status. So we should accept each other with our differences and understand each other even when we might think differently.

“So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.” – Matthew 19:6

Nobody is better than anyone, the categories in which we live are the one that say that, categories created for a few, the same few who dominate you, and those who dominate the whole world. They have created those categories to separate people from each other and take with them all the power we have, so we can no longer think by ourselves, make decisions, do things, or make any kind of conclusions, so we will not interfere in their affairs anymore, what makes us their slaves.

So we are nothing more than slaves, which their brains have been washed, they have put in our mind the idea that we are separated, and that we cannot accept or tolerate for any reason someone who has different thoughts, beliefs, ideas, or something that your category says you should refuse. So they can dominate the world while we hurt and kill each other for fake beliefs that have been imposed on us by the big entities that own this planet.

We are all one, with different beliefs, thoughts, appearances, or tastes, but we are all human beings and should have the same rights. We should understand each other and help each other, as whatever you do to others, you do to yourself, too. There is no separation, there is nothing separated in this world, all our thoughts and action have a consequence upon us, and also in nature, in animals, and in the whole world and that is why everything is falling apart.

Let’s allow us to have a different perspective, accept the fact that we are one, connected with every being around us, and accept others as they are, and we’ll heal the world and finally live in peace.

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