Our Silence: The Weapon of Evil

The evil has triumphed, without much effort has defeated the good, snatching its crown, and now, sitting on its throne runs the world. Its power has been the inaction of the good people, and their silence was its lethal weapon. Our silence is causing our own destruction, therefore, it is in our hands to take action and stop so much suffering.


Our silence against the horrors of the world is what has given evil the power to conquer the world. Day after day, horrendous acts are being carried out around the world, and humanity remains silent. Evil acts with impunity under our noses, and all of us, blind and deaf to the desperate cries of its victims, we remain motionless, speechless, before so much pain.

Our silence is the weapon that has been used by evil to win. It has not damaged its victims as much as we have damaged them with our silence. We are all accomplices of the atrocities committed in the world by remaining silent and looking away from those who claim our help. Our silence is our own punishment because it condemns us to live in a world full of darkness ruled by evil, where nobody is exempt from its power.

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

If the evil has won is because we have let it to win. Wars, murders, violence, rape, bullying, racism, and much more, all happen in front of our eyes, and our silence is our response. We become very confused and stunned before such atrocities but then we continue with our daily duties as if nothing happened. The problem is we do not act until evil touches us close. Once we face the clutches of evil, our silence becomes a cry, and the cry becomes a prayer, and then we realize that nobody seems to listen, and it is in that moment that we realize that humanity is too worried about doing something else to listen to those who claim our help.

How different would everything be if we would realize the power we all have within. Together we can make this world a better place. It is the power of the good ones, that can put the evil on its knees, but to do so we must not stay silent, but speak, not stay still, but act. The problem is we are not aware of our power, we believe we cannot make a difference, so we give up before trying. We wish and hope that someone, one day, will do something to help those who need it, but most of the time, that help never comes, and the pain of those who are suffering never ends. The only thing that we do, that does not help in any way is by remaining silent. Therefore, every little thing we can do counts.

“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” – Albert Einstein

Love is what this world lacks. A love revolution is what we need to do if we want to live in peace. We need to know that nothing will change if we remain silent before the different types of atrocities that are committed each day. Together we must fight against evil, not with violence but with love, compassion, and understanding. Every act of evil we see must be repudiated, and we must act in order to prevent any more suffering. Those who do evil need to know that we are not like them, and we must give them our good example. We must express and declare that we are all together regardless of our race, culture, or religion. Not any other innocent human being should suffer at the hands of those who do evil.

Together we can defeat evil, not by remaining silent but by raising our voices. It is time for us to do everything we can in order to stop those who threaten our own existence. Our voices need to be heard and our message must be clear: Yes to love and peace, No to violence and hate!

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