Prisoners of the system

We think we live in a free world; we think we are free, but in fact, that is only an illusion because we are prisoners of the system, the one we think we dominate, but which, in fact, dominates us, having us under its control. We think we act, and we talk based on the beliefs that they have imposed on us. There’s no such thing as freedom; our freedom is an illusion.

We have been categorized, such as in a product catalog, in which human beings are separated from each other by nationality, religion, social belief, gender, race, sexual preferences, external appearance, social status, and so on. An infinite catalog that defines us and which we use to determine if someone is better than another and or if one deserves something or not. Based on that belief, we separate each other, and it is there where the worst miseries of the world come into play.

We start to judge and condemn others, we compete, we do horrible things to each other, we envy, we hate, we become selfish and without feelings and we think based on the belief that we are all different. Some people believe that they are superior to others simply because they belong to the privileged group inside this catalog created by the society in which we live. These few people, the elite and the privileged, believe that they have the right to hurt, humiliate, torture, and even kill another human being. The problem is that we sell our souls day after day, ceasing to be our true selves, to become a puppet from this twisted, illogical, and selfish system in which we live.

“You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.” – Morpheus (The Matrix)

We live in a world where appearance is primordial, in which our idols are plastic dolls, unreal and with empty minds. We came to a point of such madness that we have come to believe that achieving the beauty standards imposed by this society makes us superior, believing that we have the right to hurt another one who doesn’t meet the stupid requirements of the beauty industry. The worst part is that some people have killed themselves because they have been consumed by these stupid, unreal, fictitious, and meaningless standards, believing that they didn’t deserve to live and be happy by just being the way they were.

It’s a world full of enslaved people, prisoners of money and material things, for which we have committed the worst atrocities. It’s for money that a man loses himself, forgetting all types of values or respect for another human. We forget to live by going after material things that don’t give us any kind of happiness, as we always go after the new, the best, and blinded, we go through our lives consuming the crap that they sell to us, making that our fake motive of happiness. What we don’t know is that everything we buy has a price, and the price is not valued on paper with a number on it, but its real value is valued in the amount of time of our lives we spend to earn it.

“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.” – Henry David Thoreau

We live in a world where we complain about injustice, but we do not do anything about it. We live in a world where we are always looking at what other people do or cease to do, and we don’t look at what we are doing; we complain, and we blame, but when we need to do something to change the world, we don’t do anything, and we only have excuses.

We live in a world where we are too worried about ourselves that we cannot see around us. There are people killing each other in wars, and we don’t do anything about it; there are people starving because they don’t have anything to eat, and we throw food every day; there are people who don’t have drinking water, and we waste it like if there were an inexhaustible resource of it. But human beings have everything: mind, intelligence, skills, abilities, resources, everything to make this world a wonderful place, but we destroy it, and we self-destruct day after day, blind and lost in a completely wrong system that condemns many people and benefits a few.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

The day we gather together, the day we stop blaming each other, the day we stop separating ourselves by nationality, language, culture, gender, rich or poor, the day we begin to value the important things of life, the day we act against injustice, and we stop blaming others. The day we stop making the biggest criminals of the world become richer and richer by consuming the crap they sell us: clothes made with slaves, alcohol that destroy people, electronics that make people stupid, cigarettes that kill people, drugs that consume us, food that poison us and all the trash they give to us, and the day we start being the change we want to see in the world by doing unto others as we would like them to do unto us, and above all, the day we start loving each other, that day all the suffering, the pain, and injustice will be over.

We have everything, there is nothing that we don’t have, and the problem is that we don’t do anything. We are born, we live, we exist, and we die like puppets, believing that we are somebody, when in fact, we are dominated and handled by someone else, by the ones who belong to the elite club, the ones who made this system, the ones who locked us up.

Wake up my friends, we still have time to free ourselves from the chains of this society that oppress us, and get the victory, for us, and for all those that their voices have been silenced! Let’s raise our voices and get back our freedom!  

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