It is Time for a Love Revolution

Human beings are facing a serious problem; the society in which we live is rotting, our brains have been washed, and the big issue of all is our lack of love; we need to love again; we need a love revolution!

The virus that has been implanted in our brains has killed most of the most valuable things that we have as human beings: the ability to love ourselves, our world, our nature, and every single human being in this world, we have lost the power to create everything we want, and we have forgotten who we really are and why we are really here.

The greatest problem of all is that we have changed the meaning of love, forgetting what love really means. The world is in so much pain right now because human beings are not only loving in a very selfish and superficial way, giving love to things with no value, and there we can find the worst of all diseases: the love for money.

“Only when the last tree has died, and the last river has been poisoned, and the last fish has been caught will we realize we can’t eat money.” – Cree Indian Proverb

We are more in love with money than any other thing in the world. And how can I know that? Because you just need to see the world and what is happening right now to see that what I’m saying is true! The problem is that the people are so blind that they cannot see what is really happening. Humans have lost their common sense, becoming victims of their madness for money and power, making the worst atrocities and all in the name of money. Our love for money is the first cause of the pain, suffering, and destruction of human existence.

The world is dying; we are pushing and pushing all our resources to the limit, jeopardizing our existence. The world, our home, desperately needs love, not the cheap and rotten love we give every day, but we need real and pure love. We need to learn how to love again and spread love to the world so we can heal our hearts and the whole world. The solution is to focus in what really matters, learning to love ourselves again, and everyone out there, we need to understand again that we are not separated from each other, and what we do to others, we do to ourselves too.

“The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds.” – Dalai lama

There are some questions about human behavior that have been in my mind, which I cannot understand:

How is it possible that there are still people out there killing each other, people stealing, people with no home, with nothing to eat, with no drinking water, with no access to education, health, and with no kind of right to have a decent life?

How is it possible that we know that we are destroying our planet, knowing that the result will be the end of life on Earth, and we don’t do anything about it?

How is it possible that we keep separating people for nationality, race, religion, gender, age, and social status, giving human rights depending on where you belong, having some of them more rights than others to have a decent life?

How is it possible that there are people still deprived of their freedom? How is it possible that slavery still exists?

How is it possible that we have been blessed with a wonderful planet that has all the resources for the survival of human beings, and we destroy it every day by our careless actions?

How is it possible that we have been blessed with a magnificent human body, which allows us to experience the wonderful gift of life on earth, and we destroy it by consuming all the crap we consume each day without taking care of it until it’s too late?

How is it possible that we have been blessed with an extraordinary mind, having all the power, abilities, and skills to do and create wonderful things, and we use it to destroy?

How is it possible that we have a beautiful heart with the wonderful ability to feel and to give love, and we use it to hate and hurt?

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

As I said before, the answer to all these questions is that we have lost our common sense, we mixed up the real priorities in life with less important things, we forgot about love, and we have become so blind that we can’t see what is happening. If we can see it, we just don’t care because we don’t want anything to distract us from our desperate race after money, power, material things, and social status that will make us stand out from the rest. We have become so superficial that we forget what is really important in life, allowing the evil in all of us to bring out the worst of ourselves and give it back to the world, which has created a reality of hate, suffering, insanity, and pain.

What makes this entire situation sicker is that we have accepted that reality as an unchangeable fact, taking the easy and cowardly way, as it takes a lot of courage to go against the flow and do what it takes to change the world. It’s easier to complain than do something to change it.

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – Mother Theresa

But today, we can change history, and we can create a better future. Don’t settle with this world believing what they told you about it, that this is the real one, the ideal, this perverse system has confused us, maddened us. But I know that deep inside yourself, you know that, you want a better world, you yearn for another world. If deep inside your heart you feel that this life doesn’t bring you joy and happiness, don’t settle, there is still hope. Life can be better than this sinister reality that consumes our souls.

So, what the world and humanity need is the people to gather together. We need a group of soldiers with hearts willing to love, being ready to build and not to destroy, giving all the love they can, to open the eyes of human beings so we can change our reality and the whole destiny of the human race.

It is time, my friends, to give the world what is lacking the most. It is time to stop all sadness, pain, and suffering in the world; we need to make humans remember that love exists, and so heal this hell that surrounds us. Let’s gather together in this revolution, in the name of God, in the name of love, and let’s go out fearless and courageous to conquer human hearts with love.

It is time for a LOVE REVOLUTION!

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