Our Example: Our Legacy

It is known that words are the most basic and simple form of giving a message because the most powerful message is given by our example, and through it we can change everything for better or worse. Our example is our legacy, it makes a real difference in our world, therefore, what example are you going to give?

An example knows no boundaries and knows no languages, it is the most powerful source of knowledge and education. It is through our example that we give the kind of message that will last in people’s minds. A person can take that example, and follow it or they can avoid them, and do the opposite, it is their decision, but is your responsibility to be the example you would like to see in them and in the world.

Day after day, we go through life complaining about the behaviors of others, we constantly criticize and judge others but we never look at ourselves in the mirror. The truth is if we tried to be the example of person we would like to see in the world, every human being on this planet would be different, but the problem is we are more focused in changing others than changing ourselves in the first place, and the result is many critics, but few people who actually do something to change the world they live in.

“Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others; it is the only means.” – Albert Einstein

How can we pretend others act in the way we would like them to act if we are not capable of acting in the way we would like them to act? To make it simpler: How other people will act in a different way if you behave exactly as them? Your example is their example, and their example is your example, everything is connected. The funny thing is that we all consider ourselves as the preachers of truth, values, honesty, love, and morality, and so we go through life, teaching and preaching to others and judging and condemning them for their behaviors but we never stop and reflect about our own behaviours, because if we did that, we would realize how far is our example of being the kind of example we are always talking about.

Parents who fight in front of their children, parents who are dishonest with each other, parents who have bad habits, parents who are aggressive and disrespectful with their children, how can they pretend their kids to not be like them? Just saying things like do not do that, do not say that, do not behave like that? Of course not! They will have to be the example of a person that they would like their children to be. Well, the same happens everywhere. In churches, schools, universities, in workplaces, in politics, and in every single place of this world there have been people whose examples have helped to make this world a complete nightmare, and at the same time, there are people whose examples have helped to make this world a better place.

“People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.” – Lewis Cass

The questions we should analyze now are: What example, that is to say, what message are we giving to the world? Are we being an example of love, kindness, compassion, honesty, respect, and understanding or are we being an example of the opposite? Are we being the change we would like to see in the world or are we being the creators of our own destruction? What kind of example are we giving? What legacy are we leaving?

We have to learn something: Our criticism does not lead us anywhere, it does not change anything, but it is our good example of what can change the whole world and if it cannot change the world at least will contribute to making this world a better place, and at least one person around you will learn from your example and it will adopt it as their own, and if we all do that, imagine what would happen. This world would definitely be what it was intended to be: A heaven on earth. Be an example not by being perfect, but just by being the best version of yourself in every situation you can.


Do you want a better world? Fantastic! Now your first responsibility is to be the change you want to see in the world. Be an example to follow for those around you, for those you know and do not know, for those you love and those who don’t, and for your friends and your enemies, this will be your legacy for the born and unborn. Be the source of love, values, kindness, and loyalty, and see how the world changes!

2 thoughts on “Our Example: Our Legacy”

  1. Cuan cierto. Mis padres predicaban con su ejemplo y eso es lo que me encamina cada día a ser una mejor persona.

    1. Melisa

      The Real Person!

      Author Melisa acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Claro exactamente! El ejemplo nos inspira mucho mas de lo que se pueda decir, el ejemplo es lo que nos queda grabado, es por eso que es tan importante. 🙂

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