What if I tell you that there is a way to understand each other regardless our nationality? What if I tell you that there is a language that everyone already knows that we can use to speak to each other? What if I tell you that there is a language that can bring us love and heal our hearts? Would you believe me? Well, that language actually exists, is the universal language of love, and it is called kindness, and it can change the way we live our lives.
We live in a world where its inhabitants are every day more connected through devices but every day more disconnected as human beings. We have all the resources to stay connected, to be together, but still, we insist on separate ourselves from each other. The real problem is that we cannot understand or comprehend each other. The reason? Simple: In the midst of the chaos of our society we have lost ourselves, and we have forgotten who we really are: kind, compassionate and loving beings.
There are thousands of different language in the world, but still, we cannot understand each other. You may be thinking that the problem is that we do not share the same language, but the problem is not that there are many different languages, the real problem is that we do not know, that we all speak the same language, and that language is kindness.
“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” – Amelia Earhart
But kindness, a language? Yes, and let me tell you why. A language is a way of communication, which can be expressed in many ways. Therefore, we can say that kindness is a way to express love. Every simple word or act of kindness is a way to demonstrate love to another. Kindness is something that everyone can understand regardless culture, age, nationality or race. It is a language that can be spoken in many ways, and always will be heard.
The problem is that every day we are contaminated with other less important things in our daily routine, that we forget who we are, that is why we forget to speak the language of kindness. We underestimate the power of a simple word or act of kindness. The truth is that kindness speaks louder than any other language in the world, and it has the power to heal hearts, and bring joy and happiness to the person who speaks it, and the person who is ready to listen to it.
“Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.” – Barbara de Angelis
We can feel the power of kindness at any moment, for example: How do you feel when someone is kind to you? How do you feel when a stranger, someone you have never seen before, for no apparent reason, gives you a kind smile, or say a kind word? I guess you feel great, isn’t it? Even if it is for a second, a simple act or word of kindness has the power to fill our hearts with joy. Anytime, anywhere, with whomever we are, every act of kindness is never wasted.
Every time we are kind to someone else, even if we feel that the other person doesn’t care, deep inside their hearts they care, because the language of kindness is something that penetrates any barriers we can have, and gets deep inside our hearts, filling it with love and happiness.
“If we all do one random act of kindness daily; we just might set the world in the right direction.” – Martin Kornfeld
Kindness can be expressed even without words, that is why anyone can understand it, because a simple act, a simple touch, a simple smile, can speak louder than words. It doesn’t matter where we are from, nor our age, culture, gender, language, it doesn’t matter if we are deaf or blind, if we do not know how to read or write, because the language of kindness will always be understood. The kindness we give is a gift for others and a gift for ourselves, and the ripples it creates are bigger than we can imagine.
Why don’t you try to make one act of kindness a day, for a week, and see for yourself how wonderful it is? It is time to make kindness our first language, and change the way we live!
Hermoso Melisa, evidentemente todo tiene su fundamento en el “amor”. Un gesto, una palabra de aliento, un “te entiendo” ante situaciones difíciles del otro, un estar acompañando al otro que sufre aunque más no sea en silencio, el despojarse de sí mismo, eso es amor.
Te felicito, hermosos tus escritos y pensamientos!!!! Dios te bendiga!
The Real Person!
Author Melisa acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Muchas gracias por tu comentario, me alegro que te haya gustado! 🙂 Es incredible lo que una palabra, o un gesto de amabilidad puede generar en la persona que lo recibe, y tambien en la persona que lo da. Un poquito de amabilidad por parte de todos, todos los dias, puede generar un milagro en nuestras vidas! 🙂