How can I stay positive? Part II

Stay Positive
Hi everyone and thank you for reading! I really hope that my words can help you to have a wonderful and happy life! 🙂 So here is the second part of: How can I stay positive?


I was writing on the first part about Gratitude, a very useful and effective way to stay positive, if you learn to be grateful even in the hardest time, you will change your daily life experience in a second.


And so here comes the second cure for our short perception disease:


The problem of negativity is that it has a lot of power, and it will control you and your emotions if you let it do that. The solution? Stay focus in anything that makes you happy, whatever makes you smile, do that! And whatever makes you sad let that go!


“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” – Buddha


There are two types of situations in this world: The one we can change, and the one we can’t.

So if there is something that makes you be unhappy and you have the chance to change that, then change that, it might take time or not, depending on what you want, what is important is to be positive while you are doing that, knowing that someday, somehow, you will change that.
The other situation is the one that we cannot change, what is happening or what is going to happen is something that is a fact and you can’t do anything about it, so being negative and sad about, is not going to make any change, it will make you feel better? I guess that no, right? So why don’t you just focus on things that you can actually change, on things that makes you happy?


“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates


The truth about everything is that what is happening out there it is already happening, you may be able to change that or maybe not, but how you feel about it is something that you can control, by allowing yourself to focus on what makes you smile, in those things that push you forward and cutting the ropes of what is holding you back. Let go those things, the ones you can’t change, and be positive, by focusing on what you can change, you need to stay positive, no matter what happens, there is always a motive to be happy.


“Always remember, your focus determines your reality.” – George Lucas


And here goes the third cure, a hard one, but a very effective one:



Having faith is a very good way to stay positive, because by having faith is a way to say to yourself and express to the world that everything is possible, and maybe nothing seems good out there, but faith allows me to see light in the darkness, it is a way the soul has, to let you know that everything is going to be alright!
No matter in what you believe, the important thing is to not lose faith, if you lose that, you lose all kind of possibility to achieve what you want to achieve, because if you can’t see something as possible, if you can’t see that in your mind, and if you can’t feel it with all your heart and soul, then that is what are you going to experience.


“Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness.” – Anonymous


So no matter what is happening, have faith, anything you can imagine, you can achieve, it’s that simple, if you have faith even when your reality is not what you have dreamed of, have faith, because that’s what will make you feel better, and be positive, because you can’t see it now, but you know that is going to happen. So have faith and stay positive, knowing that nothing is going to remain as it is right now, no matter how bad it looks like.
And that lead us to the fourth and last cure and for that no less important, and that is:



Everything is energy, so if you want something, or if you want to change something, just give all energy to that, to things you want and love, to anything that makes you happy. The problem is that usually we give all the energy that we have to the things that we don’t want, and that is why we keep having the same feeling over and over again.
So if you want to stay positive in life, you need to give energy to positive things, because negativity is like a powerful magnet of energy, and if you let it control you, it will suck all your positive energy, leaving you weak, without any kind of strength to stay positive.


“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.” – Albert Einstein.


Whatever energy you give to the world, is what you are going to receive, so if you allow a situation to consume you, you will only give negative emotions and actions, having as a result more and more negativity back to yourself.
So no matter what is happening, just look beyond that, look around and see all the things for what you should be grateful for, focusing only in the things that makes you happy, having faith, knowing that anything will be alright and giving positive energy, and so you will light up all the darkness that your eyes are seeing right now, and receiving more and more positive things back to you, that will light up your heart, and will fill your empty soul.


Stay positive, always.

230 thoughts on “How can I stay positive? Part II”

  1. Muy buenas las tres recetas para la felicidad!! Hay que practicarlas siempre!!! jeje 🙂

    1. Melisa

      The Real Person!

      Author Melisa acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Sii! En mi caso por lo menos me ayudan mucho a mantener una actitud positiva frente a cada situacion, aunque no siempre es facil poder controlarlo, es posible! y a medida que mas lo practiques, menos dejas que la situacion te controle a vos!

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