Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day! Let today be the day we remember love and let’s spread it to everyone around us, let’s take this day into our hearts day after day for the rest of our lives because love is all there is.


Happy Valentine's Day!


Love should be the most important thing we should remember this day. It doesn’t matter what is our marital status, there is always someone who we can give our love. Most of the time we underestimate the power of love because we are not aware of the extent of our love, even with a small amount of our love we can heal someone else’s heart and make someone happy.

Love is not about gifts, love is those little things that make a huge difference, and love is about giving the best of ourselves to others in order to make them happy. Love cannot be measured in the amount of gifts we give, nor be measured by the amount of money we spend on those gifts, because love can only be measured in the amount of small actions we make day after day to benefit others.


Somehow we got stuck in the system in which we live that has taught us that love should be remembered only once a year, and should be celebrated spending money in material things what actually it cannot be further from the true meaning of love. The truth is we don’t need to buy things in order to show our love, because love should be demonstrated with our daily actions, from the smallest to the biggest action.

Like it or not, this special day exists in most of the people calendar around the world, and usually it cannot be ignored due to the consumer society in which we live. Every February when it gets close to St. Valentine’s Day everyone seems to remember love, and you can see everywhere how love begins to be commercialized as if it were a product we can buy in a store


The truth is that every day is St. Valentine’s Day, and it should be celebrated at every moment year-round. Love is something that should be demonstrated to our loved ones every single day of our lives. I’m not saying that we should not buy gifts on the 14th, in fact I believe that buying someone a gift is a beautiful gesture, but I also believe that gifts should be given at any time and not because we are forced to do so because it is a specific day of the year.

Love is priceless, and everyone on this planet have access to it, and that my friends is the most wonderful gift we have! There is nothing greater than love, because love is all there is. Let’s celebrate love today, and every single day of our lives, it doesn’t matter if we are in a relationship or not, love should be always be celebrated, even if it is only with ourselves, because it is something that exists within us and it’s everlasting.


Happy Valentine’s Day! ♥

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