We make decisions all the time. Every new step we make in our life is followed by another new decision we must make, some of those decisions are not going to have any repercussions but some of those decision yes, and there is one decision that can change your whole life: The decision to get out of your comfort zone.
My life was quite the same as everyone else, and like most of the people in this world, I was just existing, but one day, I was wondering, what if I die tomorrow? Can I say that I have really lived my life? And of course, the answer was No, so I decided to leave my comfort zone and move ahead into the unknown, and it was in that unknown place where I found myself. Leaving my comfort zone was the best decision I have ever made in my entire life.
Of course, it’s not easy for anyone to leave the place where we feel comfortable, and neither was for me because we are afraid of the unknown. It’s easy for us to settle in a place where everything seems to be alright and under control, even if we have the feeling that we don’t belong there. The problem is that we quickly get used to being in the comfort zone because we know that making the decision to get out of it means that we are going to suffer from things we haven’t suffered so far, but let me tell you something, the suffering you will face will be worth it because that suffering is much more rewarding than the suffering you are facing right now for not living your life as you always wanted.
“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” – John A. Shedd.
Safety is one thing; dreams are another; if you think you came here to do what people told you to do and have a normal life, great! Then you are going to live your life as them, and one day you will realize that you haven’t lived at all, because those who decide to stay in the comfort zone are those who have refused to follow their dreams, and those who do not follow their dreams do not live at all. Life has a special meaning for those who dare to leave their comfort zone and go after their dreams.
What I want you to understand is that it is fantastic to live in your comfort zone because you have everything you need to survive there. Everything is under control, but there is much more out there, waiting for you to make the decision. Once you decide to make the big step to get out of your comfort zone, you will start to live. You will find everything you have been looking for, and all the doors that were previously closed will open for you.
“Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” – Brian Tracy
For me, deciding to leave my country and my comfort zone and travel the world was the best decision I ever made. It wasn’t easy because I struggled a lot in many aspects, but it was worth it because that struggle was the kind of struggle you have when you are doing what you love, so I decided to embrace the struggle every step of the way because it was what motivated me to keep moving forward because it reminded me that I was following my dreams.
I don’t know what kind of dreams or goals you have, but no matter how impossible they may seem, if you leave your comfort zone and do everything you can, no matter how hard it gets, you will make them possible. We are here for a reason. Our most desired and deepest dream, no matter how small or big, is what gives our life meaning. There is no better feeling than the one we feel when we reach our goals.
Being fully alive means living outside your comfort zone. It’s the uncertainty of living there that makes everything possible. Make the decision to leave your safety area, dream, explore, take risks, and live your life!
Muy cierto lo que decís. Es que el ser humano generalmente va y camina sobre lo seguro y cualquier circunstancia o situación que sea nueva o ajena a su hábitat, le cuesta avanzar hacia ella y generalmente es por temor a lo desconocido. Pero sí seguimos teniendo temor hacia lo desconocido no seremos capaces de conocer nuevas posibilidades ni se nos abrirán nuevas puertas. La puerta está siempre delante nuestro esperando que la abramos (aunque signifique correr un riesgo) o de que sigamos de largo. Todo depende de nosotros, de nuestra actitud, de seguir y dejarla cerrada o jugarnos y abrirla. Ese será nuestro desafío.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Muy de acuerdo con tus palabras, y es verdad el temor a lo desconocido, al no saber que pasara es lo que nos mantiene estancados donde estamos, nos comformamos dejando que el miedo nos domine. El miedo a lo desconocido deberia ser una motivacion a seguir adelante no a quedarnos estancados, porque la vida va mucho mas alla de lo que nosotros creemos, no venimos a este mundo 60, 70, 80 o 90 años a solo existir y hacer lo mismo siempre. Debemos usar el miedo como motivacion a seguir sabiendo que cuando nada es seguro, todo es posible!