Don’t settle for less than you deserve

Don’t settle for less just because it’s easier than fighting for what you truly deserve, sometime we have to be willing to lose everything in order to get everything. If you know who you are, what you can do, and what you deserve, go out and get it, and don’t settle!



"The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for." - Maureen Dowd



Don’t settle for crumbs, you know deep inside your heart that you deserve more, you know that the life you want is possible, you wish and dream every day for a miracle that can change your life, and that is because you know you have settled for less. Don’t be afraid of losing what you have in order to get what you deserve, because the day we settle for a life that is far less than the one we truly want and deserve is the day where we condemn ourselves to a mediocre and empty life.

If you have what you want, if you have a job, a relationship, a career, or anything you always wanted and though you feel grateful or happy about it but at the same time you feel unsatisfied, having the feeling that something is missing in your life, it’s probably because you have settled for a life that is less than the life you have always dreamed of.




“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” – Nelson Mandela




Life is about making decisions and taking risks, where in fact the worst risk of all, is the risk of settling for a life that is not even close to the one we deserve. We have to make a decision, if we want to take the risk to settle and live a mediocre life for the rest of our lives leaving everything to chance or if we want to take the risk to fail over and over again in order to get the life we deserve.

The truth is that if we choose to follow our heart and take the risk to fail over and over again means that we are in the right way to achieve our goals and desires because failure only means that we are doing something, and as long as we don’t give up, we will get the life of our dreams and we’ll live a happy and fulfilled life.




“Every day, people settle for less than they deserve. They are only partially living or at best living a partial life. Every human being has the potential for greatness.” – Bo Bennett




Life is meant to be happy but the problem is we usually underestimate ourselves and so we settle for less than we deserve just because we have no idea of who we really are and what we are capable of, we have everything we need to achieve our goals and desires, but we must believe in ourselves and face all our fears. We must decide to leave behind everything we don’t deserve, in order to get what we truly deserve.

No matter if you have settled for an unfulfilled relationship, job, or any other aspects in your life, you have the power within yourself to decide to change your life. I know that sounds easy to say but believe me, no matter how hard it may seem to change your life, you will do it if you really believe in yourself, you deserve something better, you know that, and your soul is desperately screaming, because your soul knows who you really are and what are you capable of.




“The biggest human temptation is to settle for too little.” – Thomas Merton




Life is too short my friends, and the truth is we never know when it will be the time for us to leave this earth, so let’s enjoy every second of it, there is no time to be afraid, there is no time to be sad, there is only time to do what we love and be happy.


Don’t settle for less, go and get everything you deserve!

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