Do You Really Believe In Your Dreams?

Do you really believe in your dreams? Because dreaming is not enough, in order to make your dreams come true, you must believe in them with all your heart. If you truly believe in your dreams, there is nothing that can stop you from making them become a reality.

We all have dreams, but only a few of us are able to turn them into reality, and why this happen? Well, the reasons are varied, but one of the main reasons is that we don’t really believe in our dreams, within ourselves, in that place we do not know, where our beliefs are kept, we hold the belief that our dreams are impossible or difficult to come true, and those beliefs actually sabotage our dreams. No matter what we do, we continue to fail in the attempt to make them a reality, because somehow we know they are impossible, and that belief creates our reality.

Believing is one of the main tools we have to create the life we want and if we believe in something as impossible, that belief will help create the fact that our reality is not a place where dreams are possible and our dreams will remain dreams until the end of our days on this earth, without the possibility to actually live the life we have always dreamed of.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

To a greater or lesser extent, we are all dreamers, but because of the limitations we all have in our minds because of our fears imposed by the outside world, only a few of us can live the life of our dreams, and that’s because those people have not only dreamed but also believed, not only believed but also they have done everything they could to turn their dreams into a reality. For those people nothing is impossible, they dream and believe with all their might even when nobody believes in them, those people are unstoppable dream hunters, and they never stop until they succeed.

Everyone can dream but not everyone can truly believe, and it doesn’t matter how much you dream and how many dreams you have, if you don’t believe in them if you don’t believe they are possible, they never will be, because nobody is going to try to make something impossible into possible, for instance, you are not going to jump from a building expecting to fly when you know deep inside your heart that flying is impossible, you are not even going to try, you dream of flying, but you know it’s impossible, so you will do nothing, end of the story.

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” – Anatole France

Believing makes everything possible because it actually changes your mental programming which has been programmed with a very narrow perspective, and by changing your beliefs, you change your whole life. When you actually start believing in your dreams, you broaden your perspective and what was once impossible for you, is now possible, so, your dreams start to feel more real.

So, do you really believe in your dreams? Try to be honest with yourself – Close your eyes for a second and think about your dream, can you see it? Well, now try to see yourself in your dream, visualize it; make it real, how does it look like? How does it feel? It feels great, isn’t it? Well, now look around you, and try to look yourself in the mirror, can you imagine that person you are seeing capable of achieving anything? Do you believe in that person? Yes? And so do you believe in your dream? Do you believe it’s possible? So what are you waiting for? Go out and make it happen!

Dreams are possible for those who dare to believe they can come true. Believe that what you want is possible, and it will! Dream, Believe, Achieve.

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