Take Full Responsibility For Your Life

We are all responsible for our own lives, but we act as if someone else has control of our lives. The truth is most of the things that happen to us are for our actions or inactions, whatever we decide to do or not to do creates our reality. In order to live the life we want we must take full responsibility for our own life, doing everything we can to create what we would like to experience.

It is not an external factor that limits us from achieving what we would like to achieve – it is us. We limit ourselves with our own beliefs, with our daily thoughts, with the words we speak, and with our behaviors and actions. We are constantly creating our future even if we are not aware of it. Everything we do and everything we cease to do determines our destiny.

The problem is that it’s easier to blame our past, our parents, our friends, our boss, our colleagues, our job, the time, the weather, the society, and the whole world for the life we have because that way we do not feel responsible for our miserable life – we sit in our comfy chair with a cup of coffee and we put ourselves in the role where we always give our best performance – The victim role.

“The moment you accept responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you gain the power to changeanything in your life.” – Hal Elrod

And so we start blaming everyone and everything in our lives, making them responsible for our failure. It sounds so convincing that we even start believing in ourselves, and one day the victim role becomes part of us, and so we spend our entire lives living as if we were victims of this evil and unjust world. And why do we do that? Because it’s easier to blame others and do nothing than take full responsibility for our life, do everything we can take risks, and accept challenges to change our life circumstances.

When we take full responsibility for our life we blame only one person for being guilty of our failure – and that person is always us. The bad thing is that is always difficult and harmful for our ego to admit that we are responsible for most of the unpleasant situations that happen in our lives – It is not your job responsible for your miserable life, you are responsible for not looking for something better, it is not your teacher responsible for your failure, you are responsible for not having studied enough, it is not your family responsible for your lack of success, you are responsible for not pursuing your dreams. Can you see it? Most of the time we are responsible for our own misery, but it is always easier to make others responsible for it.

“The victim mindset dilutes the human potential. By not accepting personal responsibility for our circumstances, we greatly reduce our power to change them.” – Steve Maraboli

The good thing is when you take full responsibility for your life, you allow yourself to have control to change any unpleasant situation of your life by creating another different outcome – for instance when you have decided to stop smoking and now your health has increased, or when you have decided to leave the job that you hate to make your dreams a reality and now you live a happier life, or when you have decided to leave the toxic relationship in which you were in and now you have finally found peace. Can you see it? You have taken full responsibility for your life, and you made the right actions to create a better outcome.

We face difficulties in our lives where we have to deal with awful circumstances, but it depends on us if we are going to remain a victim of our life circumstances, blaming life for being so unfair, condemning ourselves to a life of suffering, or if we are going to take full responsibility for our lives, doing everything we can to turn the negative into positive, creating a better future for ourselves.

“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Think about these questions: Is there something you are doing that you could do better to increase the probability to have the desired outcome? Is there something you are doing that you shouldn’t be doing to have the outcome you want? Is there something you are not doing that you should be doing?

The life you want is possible, the question is: Are you doing what you should be doing in order to get it? Take full responsibility for your life and live the life you have always wanted!

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