Discovering your life’s purpose

Discovering your life’s purpose is not a simple thing but it’s the most important thing in your life, without a purpose, we merely exist. It is discovering the reason why we are here what gives life meaning, and living with a purpose that makes life much more interesting and challenging.


Have you ever wondered why you are here? Have you ever wondered if what you are doing right now is what you came here to do? If what you are doing now makes you feel dead inside is because that thing you are doing now is not your purpose, it is not the reason why you are here, because your purpose is what makes you feel alive; your purpose is what gives you joy and happiness, your purpose is what gives your life meaning.

Wouldn’t be ironic to go through the complicated, sophisticated, and miraculous birth process to come to this world just to be dead? Aren’t we supposed to come to this world to live or we came here to be dead? Because most of the people are afraid of death, not knowing that they are already dead inside while their bodies are still alive. The increasing amount of people with depression, anxiety, stress, and other mental disorders as well as the increasing amount of suicides worldwide are indicative that our perspective about life and the reasons for our existence are wrong.

“The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.” – Fyodor Dostoyevsky

It seems that when we are kids we know what we would like to become, or at least we dare to dream, and we dare to dream big. When you are a kid everything is possible, but sooner or later that concept is snatched from you, and everything you once believed, all your dreams and desires along with your true self are killed and buried and you become a product of this decadent society.

What would you like to be when you grow up? – My God, if I heard that question when I was a child! I never understood why adults would ask that question if what they only want to hear are things like I want to be a lawyer just like my Dad! Or I want to be an engineer! Because if you tell them: I want to be a singer! Or I want to be a superhero and save the world! Or I want to become a veterinary and save all the animals! Or I want to become an astronaut! People will usually say something like this: But you won’t earn any money doing that! Or that’s impossible! Or you can’t do that!

“You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously.” – Steve Maraboli

The truth is when we become adults we stop believing and we start doing what is best for our family, friends, and so on and we do everything we can to fit in this society that slowly kills us inside and we live or in better words we simple exist for the rest of our lives, doing what we don’t want to do, depriving ourselves from our true purpose. The funny thing is we go through life seeking happiness, but we don’t even wonder why are we here, and how in the world can we be absolutely happy if we are not doing what we came here to do?

Discovering your life’s purpose should be your main goal, not money, the car, the house, and other material things, nor fame, nor power. Those things can follow or not, but those things should be absolutely secondary for you. Once you discover your life’s purpose, and you do what you came to do, everything that is good for you will come to you without calling it.

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Discovering your life’s purpose is not easy, because it requires leaving your comfort zone. To know who you are and why you are really here you must ask questions you have never asked before, you must leave that comfort place where everything is known to enter that awkward and unknown place where you wonder and doubt everything about your life, and that can be sometimes painful as you will know how unconscious and dead you were, but in the end, you will find happiness, peace and joy you have yearned for, and you will know what means to be truly alive.

We are not in this world by accident, we are here for a reason, and finding that reason is the key to living a happy and successful life. If we fail to find that reason, if we avoid finding that purpose, our life becomes an obligation, we become slaves of a miserable life and our daily life becomes our punishment until we are finally released from our pain through the process of death.

Find the reason why you are here and your whole life will have a different meaning. It is a wonderful experience to enjoy life being truly alive!

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