Worry serves no useful purpose

We all share one particular habit, but not the kind of habit that is good for our health but rather the opposite, the habit that we all have in common is called “worry” and it serves no useful purpose at all.


Don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright.


 We have the bad habit of worrying too much, as if worrying about something could be used as a magic wand to change what is going on or what we think is going on. The truth is nobody has ever changed something that happened in the past or something that is supposed to happen in the future through worrying, because the only thing that can be affected thanks to our worries is our present.

When we worry we don’t change anything that has happened in the past neither we change something that is going to happen in the future, the only thing we change is our present but not in a very positive way, because when we worry we make our present a nightmare through our thoughts of what is going to happen which most of the time they are not 100% accurate. This way we put ourselves in a place where we suffer needlessly, worrying about something that most of the time is never going to happen.





“Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose” – Eckhart Tolle





How many times have you been worried about something in the past? And how many times it really happened? And if that actually happened, was as bad as it seemed? Was it worth so much worry and anxiety? Was it worth wasting so much time of your life worrying about something that was out of your control? I guess no, or I least that is what I believe, because when I look back into my past, I can see I have wasted a lot of my precious time worrying about things that never happened, and those things that actually happened it turns out that were not as bad as they seemed.

Worry is useless, worry can’t change anything that happened in your past, and it can’t change anything that may or may not happen in your future, worry can only do one thing: it can steal your joy and happiness from your heart without reason. The problem with worry is that makes you feel as if those things for which you are worried about are already real in your present, which in fact is not more than an illusion, but worry makes your problems become a reality, even if they don’t exist. Worry only makes you focus on what you don’t want rather than letting you focus on the outcomes you would like to happen.





“Why worry? If you’ve done the very best you can, worrying won’t make it any better” – Walt Disney





Worry can’t help us in any way, it can’t solve our problems, but you can do your best to get the best result possible. If there is something you would like to change and if you are able to do that, then change it, do what it takes to have the outcome you would like to have, focus on those things you would like to happen in your life, and don’t focus on those things you don’t want, on the other hand if you can’t do anything to change your situation, why worry then? Would it make things any better? Definitely no, it won’t make things any better, but it will make it worse because it will embitter your present, stealing your happiness and ruining your day.




Worry doesn’t change anything but complicates your life even more, use your imagination to create the positive outcomes you would like to have in your life, do everything you can, but always remember to have faith and trust life, because no matter what happens everything will be alright!

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