When Our World Trembles: Facing Changes

Changes are part of life and at some point in our lives we are going to face them. Changes are hard to digest even when we have been looking for them, the problem is we are afraid of changes because we fear the unknown, and when a change appears, our world trembles. Therefore, we are going to have two options: We can face them and dance at the rhythm of tremor, or hide and let the tremor bury us.

Many times in our lives we are going to face different types of changes, some of them will be created by us and others will be created for us. The first ones are the easiest to digest, because most of them are the result of our own wishes, and they happened because we have let them happen, they are created by us, voluntarily, through our own decisions and actions, but the second ones are the ones that we do not look for, they suddenly appear, unexpectedly, without calling.

All changes destabilize us and make our world shake. The reason is because they force us to leave the shore and enter into unknown waters, they push us away from our comfort zone and destabilize us. But once we face them, we challenge them, and it’s in that moment when we ignite the spark that makes our heart burn, giving us power and strength to cope with the new changes in our lives and change our lives.

“All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.” – Robin Sharma

Changes are often inevitable, sometimes because there is no other option, there is no another alternative, there is no escape, and we cannot avoid them. They appear, they are real, and we can either accept them and succeed or fight an already lost battle. Why a lost battle? Because when an unexpectedly change has taken place we cannot avoid it, and the only way to walk out victorious is to keep moving forward. Resisting to changes will only lead us to defeat.

Therefore, whether we face a change we have created ourselves or an unexpectedly change, we have to accept it first, whether we like it or not, but this doesn’t mean we have to settle. If the new change is not to our liking, then we have to think the way to create the change that we do like to happen in our lives and make it happen. We cannot fight with the past; we cannot fight with what already happened, but we can do everything we can in order to create the future we want.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Leon C. Megginson

The first and most important thing you will have to know in order to face any change in your life is that nothing will remain as it is. The world is constantly moving, and changes happen all the time. There will be those that we will create ourselves and those that will just happen without calling, but we must know that changes are in our favor and not against us. They may not look like that but in the end they will be a benefit for us if we give them the opportunity. Changes make us change, and that is the purpose of the changes that happen in our lives, because they make us grow, they make us stronger and develop the potential hidden in ourselves.

Let the changes happen, and face them with courage and confidence, knowing that you have the power to create the life you want. With faith in God, in yourself and in life, keep moving at the rhythm of your changes, close your eyes and keep on dancing!

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