The way to the top

The way to the top it’s tough, but it isn’t as tough as living the rest of your life looking at it from below and wishing to be there. You will find on the way to the top many difficulties, but it will be worth it because the view from the top is definitely outstanding.


We all want to reach the top of something, for some of us it can be really high, and for others not so much, the important thing is to have the desire to get somewhere, that means we have something that motivates us to become the best version of ourselves so we can reach that top, and that makes us to be truly alive, because if we don’t want to reach anything if we don’t have dreams and goals and desires, then we are just walking corpses.

So once you have the desire to get to the top, you must make the first step, because that is the most important step, it means that despite all your fears and doubts, you have made the decision to follow your heart, and it requires a lot of courage and strength to do that. It doesn’t matter how slow you go, what really matters is not giving up. Once you start climbing, you can stop and slow down, but never look back until you reach the top.

We just wanna remember the view from the top, the breathtaking moment at the edge of the world, that’s what keeps us climbing and it’s worth the pain, that’s the crazy part, It’s worth anything!” – Meredith Grey


Have you ever tried to climb a mountain or a hill? It is never easy, right? Because the way to the top is always full of obstacles, difficulties, and hardships, and requires a lot of strength to keep going up. There are always things, situations, and people who will interfere with our way and will make us want to give up, and you will have to face all your fears through the path, they will try to stop you, they will try to confuse you, and they will try to push you back to the bottom.

There will be moments where you will feel that you can’t stand it anymore, you will feel that you have lost strength. You will feel breathless, but in that moment just close your eyes, disconnect your mind from anything else around you, and just listen to your heart and ask yourself the most powerful question: Why? Why am I doing this? If at that moment you can visualize your dream and you can feel as if you have reached the top and if it makes your heart beat faster and puts a smile on your face, then you will have the answer to that question, and you will know that all that suffering is worth it, and you will stand up and you will keep moving forward with confidence.

“This journey to the top is going to be the most exciting and rewarding trip you’ll ever take!” – Zig Ziglar


Don’t give up and don’t allow your fears to stop you, because they will try to paralyze you, no matter how hard it seems just keep moving forward, it will be tough and you will have to face many difficulties, but it will be worth it!

It’s a long way to the top if you want to see your dreams become a reality, but commitment, perseverance, and trust in yourself are possible. You can do it, see you at the top my friends!

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