The Habit of Making Excuses

We limit ourselves and sabotage our own dreams, goals and desires by making excuses. Our own excuses create barriers between us and our dreams, pushing away from us everything we have always wanted. Therefore, if we want to make our dreams come true, we must begin by leaving the habit of making excuses.


Every day we have a new excuse for not doing the things we have always wanted to do. We convince ourselves through the excuses we make, as a way of having a justification for not following the path that will lead us to the realization of our dreams and goals. They condemn us to live a life we do not like, and the worst part of all is that we believe that those excuses are valid, blaming them for our failure, when in fact, we are the cause of our own failure.

Why do we make so many excuses? Why do we punish ourselves in such a way? Why do we condemn ourselves to live a life we do not like? Why we refuse to live the kind of life that will bring us everything we have been searching for? Simple: because it is easier that way. It is easier to make an excuse and do nothing, than to do all the things we have to do in order to achieve our desired goals and make all our dreams come true.

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” – Jim Rohn

By making excuses we chose the easy way out, and with easy I do not mean the less painful. Because it is painful to work hard in order to achieve our goals, but it is more painful to be stuck in a life we do not want, doing things we do not like, and it is even more painful to know that we are the reason why we haven’t done the things we have always wanted to do. It is hard to recognize that in the end no one is more responsible than us of our own failure.

I constantly hear people saying things like: I don’t have enough money, I don’t have time, my family won’t allow it, I don’t have the resources, I have to work, it is too hard, I’m too tired, I don’t have the knowledge, I have to look after my kids, I’m too old, I’m too young, my wife/husband/mother/father will not approve it, I have many things to do, and so on. Have you ever heard something like that? I guess so. I heard those words from many people, even from myself. We are constantly making excuses and we believe they are valid, and under the phrase: “I am not making excuses; I’m just being realistic” we justify ourselves.

“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.” – Jordan Belfort

The truth is nothing can limit us, except our own personal thoughts. There is always a way to do something, and most of the time it won’t be easy, it won’t be simple, but it will be worth it. Therefore, in order to achieve our goals and make our dreams become a reality we must stop the habit of making excuses. If you want to be successful, if you want to achieve your goals, you will have to stop looking for excuses, and start looking for solutions. If other people are doing what you would like to do, if someone is living the life of your dreams, if somebody else has achieved what you would like to achieved, is not because they have been lucky, but because they have quit the habit of making excuses. They have decided to do whatever it takes to make their dreams become a reality, and you as well can do the same.

Stop thinking for a second the reasons why you can’t do something, and think as if everything was possible. What will you be doing now? What can you do right now that will get you closer to the place you want to be? What would be the right steps that will make you achieve your goals?

I know from my own experience how wonderful it is to do the things I once thought I couldn’t do. It always looks impossible, until it’s done. Anyway, what can happen if you try? Take responsibility for your life, and either find a way or create a way, and live the life you have imagined!

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