Take the First Step

In order to reach our destination, we must begin the journey by taking the first step. Any victory depends on that first step. It is the first action, the first move, the first try, that can lead us to the place where we want to get. That first step makes everything possible and our following actions make it all come true.


Let’s analyze this: Everyone wants to win the jackpot, but how many of us actually goes and buy the ticket? The truth is that only a few of us do that, but why? The reason is simple: Our thoughts and beliefs creates boundaries between our dreams and our reality. We dream but believe they are impossible or too difficult to become a reality, so we give up even before trying.

If you believe that the chances of winning are almost zero it is very likely that you are not going to buy the ticket, so you are not even going to try, or you will try, and if you don’t win, you will use that as a way to prove that you were right about that winning was impossible, and you will finally give up. You can see here that the first step is crucial as it determines everything.

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt

But why the first step is so crucial? How is it possible that it can determine everything? Simple. Two different outcomes make the first step so vital: If we decide to not take that first step, we decide to lose by default. But if we take that first step, it means that we are in the correct way to make our dreams become a reality. If we continue to move forward, step by step, not giving up, overcoming adversity, with perseverance, commitment, and faith, it is likely that we reach the desired destination.

Therefore, the first step will be to buy the ticket. What I mean here is that we have to believe in our dreams and go out and make them happen. In order to make your dreams and goals become a reality, you will have to take the first action that will get you closer to the place where you want to be. The first step will determine whether your dream will remain a dream or if it will become true.


“Take the first step, and your mind will mobilize all its forces to your aid. But the first essential is that you begin. Once the battle is startled, all that is within and without you will come to your assistance.” – Robert Collier

No dream will become a reality if we do not take action. It is beautiful to dream, but what is hard is to take actions to make them a reality. You are not going to win the jackpot if you don’t buy the ticket, that is to say, you are not going to get to the place where you want to be, or get what you want to have if you don’t take the first step. It is our decision to act that creates our destiny and it is our inaction that leaves everything to chance.

If you want to be a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer, a graphic designer, or whatever you want to be, you will have to take the first step and enroll in the university. If you want to learn a new language, you will have to take the first step and look for a course in your city or online. If you want to lose weight you will have to take the first step and make the decision to change your diet. If you hate your job and you want another, you will have to take the first step and find another one. If you want to be a professional athlete, you will have to go and train. If you want to quit smoking, you will have to decide to smoke fewer cigarettes a day or not buy any more cigarettes. There is always a first step that makes what we wish and dream more real.

 “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one.” – Mark Twain

It is the first step that gets us closer to our dream, and it is our perseverance and commitment to make it happen that makes it all possible. Every single person who has been successful at doing or getting something has once decided to take the first step and then work until they succeeded.  So, what is your dream? What do you want to do? Who do you want to be? What do you want to get? Where do you want to go? If you know the answers to those questions it means that the moment to start is right now. The key is to do step by step what we should do in order to achieve what we want. We have to make the decision to take the first step and start changing our lives.

My question now is: Have you taken the first step? If you have done it, congratulations! You are one step closer to your goal, keep moving and don’t give up, and if you haven’t done it yet, go ahead and fearlessly take the first step

1 thought on “Take the First Step”

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