Our Need for Security

One of the things that people constantly seek, either consciously or unconsciously is security. We have the need to feel safe because that guarantees us our survival. Certainty makes us feel comfortable, while uncertainty makes our world tremble, putting us in a place of extreme vulnerability. This need for security can truly guarantee us our very existence, it will make us feel comfortable, it will make us feel safe. But does it really guarantees us freedom, peace, happiness, success and everything we might want in life? Stay with me, and let’s find out together!


We always seek for security because we think that it will give us freedom, we believe that having a lifetime security will mean having a lifetime freedom, a lifetime happiness, or a lifetime success. We think that it will guarantee us true success, we think that we will be free to do everything we love and make all our dreams become a reality. A lifetime security is possible when we choose to live a life inside our comfort zone, a place where we feel safe and at ease.

While living in our comfort zone, can bring us security and give us the idea that we are free, happy and successful, it is in fact only an illusion. Why? because choosing a lifetime security only enslaves us, taking us all our freedom. When we put security as priority over our dreams, that is when we become prisoners of a system that teach us that the only thing that matters is a lifetime security, it told us that dreams are impossible or that they are not worth the risk. So, we look for security in every aspect of our lives: we look for a job security, for a house, a car, and everything that will make us feel safe, we don’t question anything, we simply settle.

“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” – John F. Kennedy

But what is wrong about this? Why is wrong to look for security? what is the problem of living in our comfort zone? There is no problem at all. In fact, it is in our own instincts, it is in our very nature as human beings. The problem only starts when we settle to a life that is far less than the one we are capable of living, limiting our own extraordinary capabilities. The problem is when we achieve a life that gives us security, and that stop us from achieving more. We become so dependent on that life, that we fight to protect it against everything including our own dreams, because our dreams are always a threat to our security.

That is the reason why so many people give up on their dreams. The fear of leaving the place of conformity to enter to unknown territories scares them to the point that they decide to stick to their ordinary life, where they are comfortable and they feel safe. And if you want to achieve the life we have always imagined, if we want to make all our dreams become a reality, we will have to be ready to feel uncomfortable. That place of security will bring us everything we need to survive, but the life we want, and truly deserve, it is only possible outside our comfort zone.

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.” – Michelangelo

Most of the people who have already achieved their dreams, or those people who are known for being extremely successful, have one thing in common: They were in a place of absolutely uncertainty when they decided to go for their dreams. Therefore, we can see that actually our place of security, our comfort zone is what truly limits us, because it makes us feel safe, so we do not do anything in order to not lose that security we have. It is only when we are in a place of mystery, uncertainty, and discomfort when our true character is shaped. It is in that moment that we become free to become the person we were meant to be and do everything we have always imagined.

May your need for security do not limit you from living the life that you are capable of living. Do not settle for a life that you do not love only because it gives you security. You can, and you will live the life of your dreams if you dare to leave your comfort zone!

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