A Wonderful Stroke of Luck

There are those moments throughout our lifetime when luck does not seem to be in our favor. The things we want are denied to us in a very brutal way and feelings of despair, sorrow, anger, and disappointment flood our heart. Suddenly we found ourselves lost standing in front of a brick wall in the middle of the road in the journey of our lives. The things we wanted, our desires and dreams have been taken away from us, the doors has been closed, and our hopes and illusions disappeared. Confused and upset we try to find the reason for our bad luck. We ask again and again, why? And the answer conspicuous by its absence, until now?…

Sometimes in our lives no matter what we do and how much we try to have the things we want, life insist to deny us the things we yearn, and as if in life everything were about luck, we consider ourselves to be in the group of those with the worst one, but what if I tell you that sometimes what it seems to be bad luck, is in fact, good luck? What if those moments of bad luck in our lives are what we need in order to get a better luck? What if those moments of bad luck are actually saving us from a worse luck? What if those moments are giving us the chance to have a better future? What if sometimes life has to deny us the things we want, in order for us to have better things?

The truth is, in many cases, what it seems to be bad luck, is only an opportunity in disguise, an opportunity to take another road, a better way, to develop ourselves, to improve, to evolve, to create those things that we really want, deserve and that will really take out the best version of ourselves, but it is true that when life snatches from us the possibility of getting what we desire, when life denies the opportunity to have the things we love, we feel nothing but pain, our heart tears apart, and we cannot find any reason enough as to justify such sacrifice. You keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason, but the truth is, for you that reason seems to be non-existent, hard to discover, or has no sense at all, and days keep passing and you keep yourself immerse in that sorrow that sinks you to the depths of darkness.

“You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.” – Cormac McCarthy

The truth is, that reason, eventually becomes visible.  The things that happen to us, the things that we were not able to get, are not a mere casualty, but it was meant to be that way, because life in fact, is not about luck, life is not a fortune wheel where some of us obtain better things than others, it may seem this way, but the truth is, we create our own luck, and if life doesn’t give to us something we want is because is giving us the chance to broaden our limitations, recreate ourselves anew, and become the source of our own luck.

If I look back into my past, some of the things that happened to me seemed first as bad luck, but now in the present, I see them as good luck. Why? Because from the point of my life where I am standing right now, looking back into my past, I can see that if I would never have had those moments of “bad luck” my life would be different from the one that I have now, and the things I have achieved so far, I wouldn’t have achieved them without those moment of “bad luck” I had in my past.

“Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.” – Steve Maraboli

You can be a victim of your own circumstances, you can accept that luck is not in your favor, and succumb to adversity, surrendering the control of your own life, becoming a slave of your “bad luck” and be at mercy of fate, or you can decide to recreate your story, knowing that any moment of “bad luck” hides within itself the opportunity to obtain a greater luck, because in the end, if we are patient, if we don’t lose hope, if we give life time to prove us wrong about our own luck, if we decide to move forward and reinvent ourselves to recreate our destiny, we will discover the reason for that previous bad luck and we will thank God and life for all those moments where we didn’t get what we want, because that put us to the edge, took us from our comfort zone, and made us discover a new path, a new way, a new life, a new version of ourselves.

Some doors are meant to be closed, some are closed that so we can find a way to open them again, and some are closed so that we can find the way to those that will lead us to something better. Trust that everything happens for a good reason, and your faith will help create the fact, and your commitment and perseverance will shape your destiny and create your own luck.

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