Challenges are Opportunities in Disguise

Challenges are opportunities in disguise, they seem to be against us but in fact, they are on our side. Challenges are opportunities that life gives us so we can become the best version of ourselves, they release the greatness and power that lies in all of us which we don’t even know we have.



Challenges are opportunities perfectly disguised as obstacles, and that’s why most of the time we see them as something that is against us, but challenges are given to us by life for a special purpose, they have a reason to exist, and they hold a treasure within. Challenges have the power to change us, because they push us so close to the edge that we have no choice but to jump into the unknown.

It was in that particular moment, when we were plummeting into the ground when we found our biggest strength, and so what seemed to be the end of everything, was actually the beginning of a completely new life. It was in that moment of chaos when you found a treasure hidden within you, because while you were falling down, you suddenly opened your arms, and they became wings, and so you learned to fly and you were reborn again as a new person.

“We were all born with a certain degree of power. The key to success is discovering this innate power and using it daily to deal with whatever challenges come our way.” – Les Brown

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed by the different challenges that life gives us, and that is why it is so easy to surrender to them. Normally, when we face a new challenge, we rapidly seek an escape, we look for an alternative route, we seek the easy way out and we call that “success” which in fact is not more than another way to surrender, because the only way to be successful is by facing our easy and sometimes difficult challenges.

Challenges are an important part of life; they mean that we have left our comfort zone towards the unknown, and is in that place where everything can be possible. Challenges give a special meaning to our normal life, they make us grow, and they change us for the better. After facing a challenge, we never keep being the same person we were before it, because challenges change us, or in other words, they bring to light the power and strength that was deeply hidden somewhere within ourselves.


“Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.” Bernice Johnson Reagon

Challenges are opportunities to improve yourself, and there is a great feeling that comes to your heart when you come out victorious of them. It doesn’t matter how small or how big the challenge is, it always makes you a better person than you were before, and the reward you get out of them is extraordinary. There is a great sense of happiness that spreads throughout your body when you overcome those things that you once thought you couldn’t, but to get to that moment you first need to face the challenges, even if you feel powerless and hopeless.

In my life I faced many challenges, for instance, this blog. Writing a blog without any experience and deciding to write it in English to reach more people, even though my first language is Spanish was a huge challenge for me. My first thought was to give up, because I was afraid of many things, for example not being able to write well in English, and the possible opinions of others really freaked me out. My second thought was to write the blog only in Spanish, but that would mean taking the easy way out, and therefore I decided to face the challenge of becoming a blogger and writing in English, and after 9 months here I am, happier than ever and feeling stronger than ever before. I faced my fears, I overcame the challenge, and I improved myself, especially my English!

Embrace your challenges; embrace the opportunity that life gives you through challenges, so you can become a better version of yourself. Face them without fear, and let them release the greatness within you!

4 thoughts on “Challenges are Opportunities in Disguise”

  1. I like to read your blog, I think that it was a big challenges for you because the manner that you use the words in english are extraordinary. Thank you again for take your beautiful time to help us!!

    1. Melisa

      The Real Person!

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      The Real Person!

      Author Melisa acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Thank you for your kind words! I love to help people as I believe we all deserve to be happy and live the life of our dreams, if we can become the best version of ourselves, we can definitely change the world destiny! 🙂

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