Victims of expectation

We are victims of expectation; the big problem of everything is not the problem itself but rather our expectations about everything. Everything we say and do is accompanied by an expectation, and that is why sometimes our results are not as we wanted them to be, which creates all the unnecessary sadness in ourselves.

Like I said before, we are victims of expectations, and that is why we’ll be disappointed over and over again until we finally give up and lose. If you are not careful, and if you don’t learn how to control it, expectations will always win. If we get to that point where we let our expectations win, then we get to the point where everything we want, every dream, every wish, every opportunity to make all of that become a reality, completely disappears.

After we have had a lot of results that haven’t met our expectations, We get to that place called disappointment, a place where we find unhappiness and sadness, and once you get to that place, it is really hard to get out from it, because after being there, Your actions will only be based on that, you will not have more expectations or at least good expectations. You neither will have any vision of your dream.

“Expectation feeds frustration. It is an unhealthy attachment to people, things, and outcomes we wish we could control; but don’t.” – Steve Maraboli

Once you are the victim of your own expectations, having as a result nothing more than disappointment, then you will walk your path with fear and doubts, having the belief that you shouldn’t have more expectations about anything because not everything is possible, so your reality is going to look like that, and from now on you will face everything without enthusiasm, believing that it cannot end well based on your past experiences, and that belief will create your reality, and nothing will be like you have wanted it to be.

The problem with expectation is that we have it because we actually need something. What makes us be very attached to it, so we choose in the first place something that can give us, in order to satisfy that necessity, so if we don’t get what we want, we’ll be disappointed. If we are disappointed, we stop believing, we lose faith, and we forget about hope, so we accept a life of disappointment, sadness, and suffering.

“Expectation is the root of all heartache” – William Shakespeare

So what we have to do, in order to be always happy without depending on the results, is not have more expectations, but what we have to do is make a decision according to what we feel and want at that moment without needing anything, giving all the best we can give, being happy, even if the result is not what we wanted, because we just decided to do something, because at that moment was what we wanted, not because we wanted to get something out of it.

Expectations give nothing more than disappointment, and visualization gives nothing more than achievement. So what we have to do is never forget whatever we want for our life, use the power of visualization, know that what we want exists and that sooner or later we are going to get that, forget any kind of expectation, and be free to do, give and feel whatever we want.

“When you release expectations, you are free to enjoy things for what they are instead of what you think they should be” – Mandy Hale 

Remember that everything you give is a demonstration of what you already have, as we cannot give what we lack, and we cannot receive what we don’t give. So everything you give, you will receive it back, multiplied. So every time you want to have a new relationship or get a new job, or anything you want to get or achieve in your life. First, you have to see your goal in your mind and truly believe that it is possible, and that is a fact, and not have expectations because you don’t need something; you already have it, or you will have it because you believe that!

“Trade Your Expectation to Appreciation and the World Changes Instantly” – Tony Robbins 

Walk your path fearless and doubtless, with confidence, truly believing that if something is meant for you, it will be at the best time for you. So do anything you want and feel, say whatever you want, think whatever you want to think, and above all, love everyone around you without expecting anything in return. I can guarantee that you will find true freedom and happiness.

2 thoughts on “Victims of expectation”

  1. Hermanita Luci

    Sometimes is really hard, but your words make me to believe again, to remember what is really important, what are the secrets to change and try to being positive all the time!

    1. Melisa

      The Real Person!

      Author Melisa acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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      The Real Person!

      Author Melisa acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Sometimes it’s not easy, but I knkw that is possible! I’m happy that my words can help people who want to change their lives, life is meant to be happy, but our wrong belief and behaviors is what make this life so sad and bitter!

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