Why do we care about what others think?

Why do we care about what others think? The answer to that question is very simple: We are looking to be accepted all the time, the fear of being rejected scare us to a point where we forget who we are by being what we are not, a prefabricated product created by society.

We are looking for acceptance all the time, dominated by the fear of what other people think about us; we act based on what is right for people and not what is right for us. All the time, we act according to what is best for others at that moment because fear controls our actions all the time, so we lose control of everything, and the worst thing is that we lose ourselves.

It doesn’t matter by whom, but we are always looking to be accepted by someone because by being accepted by others, we can accept ourselves.

“If you live for people’s acceptance you will die from their rejection” – Lecrae

And there, my friend, is where we can find the beginning of this problem:

If we don’t accept ourselves first, how is another person going to accept us as we really are?

We need to accept ourselves as we are, and that includes everything, also our imperfections, we need to love ourselves and be happy for who we are. What I want to say here is that it is totally right to want to improve ourselves and wish to be a better and better person, but only if that change we want to accomplish is inspired by us for us and not in order to please someone else.

Once we accept ourselves as we are and decide who we want to be, without being influenced by someone else, then we will feel accepted everywhere, and maybe not by others, but we will always feel accepted by ourselves, feeling free to think, to say, and to do whatever we want without being afraid to what other people will think about us.

“Care what other people think and you will always be their prisoner” – Lao Tzu

Once you know what kind of person you are and what kind of person you want to become in your life, you will not be afraid of others’ opinions about you anymore because you know yourself, you know who you are, what you can give, what you can do, what you can achieve. You love yourself just the way you are, so you will set yourself free from any unnecessary pain as you will never be damaged again by the opinions of other people.

“The unhappiest people in this world are those who care the most about what other people think.” – C. JoyBell C.

Remember that the opinions of others are mostly generated by people who don’t believe in themselves and who don’t accept them as they are, people who feel insecure and unsatisfied, and people who are always looking to fit in this world by being someone else.

Losing our fear of what other people think about us will set us free to be whatever we want to be in our lives. We’ll no longer be slaves, freeing us from the chain that society has imposed, and we will not fear anymore, walking with confidence and acting in every second of our lives according to what fits with our true personalities.

“What other people think of you is not your business. If you start to make that business your business, you will be offended for the rest of your life.” – Deepak Chopra

Life could be amazing if we could just love ourselves for who we are without being someone to please others. You came to this world to be whatever you want to be; you don’t come here to please your family, your friends, the society in which you live, your boss, your colleagues at work, and nobody. You come here to be who you really are and give to the world the best you can.

So release yourself and stop being a slave to what other people think, accept yourself as you are, improve and get better every day, do whatever it takes to become who you want to be in order to achieve what you want to achieve, just because you have the power to do that and just to please the purpose of your soul.

“Don’t take anything personally; nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering” – Miguel Ruiz

Life is too short to worry about others opinion about you, those are their opinions and not yours anyway, right? Our time on this planet is limited, our days are counted, day after day, second after second, so why wasting our precious time by being what other people want us to be? It is you and only you who will live your life, so you better do what you love, think and feel free as you, please, say whatever you want to say, to whomever you want, whenever you want it, because as I said before, time is limited, and we are running out of time.

Live your life and be the best version of yourself and not being the best version for someone else, do everything you want, without fear of the opinions of others and you will be free.

230 thoughts on “Why do we care about what others think?”

  1. Es muy cierto lo que decís. Lamentáblemente desde peque;os estamos obligados a hacer y actuar en función a los gustos de los demás. Crecemos, y nos cuesta deshacernos de ese hábito. Creo que en todo aspecto vivimos y actuamos no por nosotros mismos sino por lo que al otro le gustaría escuchar decir de nosotros o que pensásemos como el otro o actuásemos como el otro. Nos da miedo ser auténticos, tenemos ese temor de no ser “aceptados” . Muy cierto lo que escribís y va a ser de ayuda a todo aquel que lo lea. Va a ser una reflexión a ser “uno mismo”. Gracias Melisa como siempre.

    1. De nada! Creo que me ha costado aceptarme siempre, debido a que siempre queremos ser alguien mas, queremos ser ese alguien “perfecto”, ese modelo impuesto por la sociedad, y me di cuenta que lo que verdaderamente importa es ser uno mismo, jamas podremos encontrar la felicidad siendo o intentando ser alguien mas. Debemos amarnos como somos, e intentar ser la mejor version de nosotros mismos 🙂

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