I am an unstoppable dreamer. I dream from the smallest to the biggest, from the seemingly insignificant to the extraordinary. For me, dreams are different adventures along the path of life, and each one is a challenge that makes life much more meaningful. My brain is addicted to goals and dreams, and my soul is an unstoppable seeker of new adventures. Deep inside, we are all dreamers, but not everyone dares to dream, and not all are willing to make them happen. Are you a dreamer, and are you willing to make your dreams come true?

As long as you have something to believe in, the emptiness you may find inside yourself is filled with the most magical feelings: love, excitement, joy, satisfaction—you name it. Believing in the things that make your soul dance transforms an ordinary life into an extraordinary one. Having dreams and believing they can come true is what lights the spark hidden inside all of us. It’s what pushes us to the limit and reveals the greatness within us.
One peculiar thing about our society is that it has taught us there are two kinds of dreams: the impossible ones and those that can be bought, with the latter supposedly leading to what we’re all looking for—happiness. Our society has corrupted, distorted, and commercialized dreams, using them as a selling machine. It has created in us the necessity to have certain things; they have shaped our beliefs, sabotaged our dreams, and sold us false dreams and a misguided idea of happiness.
“Dream your own dreams, achieve your own goals. Your journey is your own and unique.” – Roy Bennett
That’s why we often chase things we don’t need, under the mistaken belief that they will make us happy. The price we pay ends up being much higher than the cost of any product or service. Therefore, it’s important to remember to dream our own dreams and not let the dreams of others become our own. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that doing what is established or what you’re supposed to do is the only dream you can dream. Instead, believe that life is a box full of tiny dreams and magical experiences waiting to be discovered. Don’t be afraid to dream—open your soul to the realm of dreams, fly, imagine, discover, and make them happen.
The problem is that we tend to be afraid of dreams—or, more accurately, afraid of failure. We fear disappointment, so we avoid dreaming big, or even dreaming at all, to avoid the painful experience of being rejected or knocked down by reality. But you know what? Reality is an illusion, and failure is only real for those who have given up. Absolutely no one can tell you that you cannot dream. No one owns your dreams or the ruler of your imagination. You have the power to dream infinite dreams, so go ahead—dream big, dream always!
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. “ – Anatole France
One important thing to remember is that perhaps not all dreams will come true, but that’s what makes them special. What meaning would dreams have if all of them were guaranteed to come true? There would be no excitement, no passion, no joy. Life would be merely a tedious and dreadful experience without dreamers and dreams. So, don’t be afraid to be a dreamer. Don’t be afraid to dream—just dream, make them happen, dream again, and above all, enjoy life with what you have and where you are. You don’t need anything external to be happy—just be, enjoy the journey to your dreams, and work hard to make them happen.
I am a believer, a dreamer, happy here and now, living the life of my dreams, and free. You can be a dreamer, too. You can dream and live the life of your dreams!