No Risk, No Win

On the way to make our goals and dreams become a reality we will have to face many risks. Every goal and every dream involves a risk. The decision whether to take certain risks or not will determine either our victory or our defeat. Risks are merely challenges that can push us closer to our dreams. So, are you ready to take the necessary risks and make your dreams become a reality?


 "It seems to be a law of nature, inflexible and inexorable, that those who will not risk cannot win." - John Paul Jones



Life itself is a risk; since we are born we face many risks. When we are kids we take risks all the time, even when we are afraid of the unknown we take risks in order to discover, learn and grow, and once we discover what we can achieve by taking risks, we become unstoppable risk takers. The problem when we grow up is that our risks become bigger, and with that our fears become greater, which most of the time paralyzes us, and that is the moment when we cease to move forward in the direction of our dreams, giving up the life we have always wanted.

Risks are scary, and that is the reason why we prefer to avoid them. The truth is we take risks all the time, even without knowing it. The simple act of getting out of bed involves a risk. Every action we take, in a greater or lesser extent, involves a risk. The problem is that our fears are directly proportional to the magnitude of our risks, and when the risk we have to face is enormous, our fears always ends up winning the battle, and all our desires broken into pieces are buried into oblivion.




“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg



Therefore, in order to make our goals and dreams become a reality we will have to take every necessary risk. But, does that mean we should take any risk possible? Well, the answer will depend in our goals and dreams and the type of risk we must take in order to achieve them. If what we can gain by taking a certain risk is higher than what we can lose, then we should go ahead and take it, but if we can lose more than we can win then we should think twice before taking that risk.

The key is to think first, and analyze all the odds. If they are more in your favor than against you, you should try and take the risk, and if you win, you will either make your dream become a reality, or you will be one step closer from achieving it. And in the case that you lose, you will not lose much, and you can always start again and try to do something in a different way in the future.




“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” – Muhammad Ali



For example: If you want a better life for your family, and you go and bet everything you have in the roulette, it is very likely that you will end losing everything. In this case it is better to not take that particular risk and try a different option. But if you have a better job offer in a different company in a different city, and you are afraid of starting a new life but you really want something better for your family, then you should go ahead and take the risk. In the end, what you can lose will be less than what you will earn even if that risk doesn’t work well for you.

That is why risks are so important, because they are great teachers. They teach us something we didn’t know about ourselves, they teach us to do something we didn’t know before, they teach us to act in a different way, they make us grow, they make us wise, they make us believe, they open doors that were closed and make our dreams and goals become a reality.




“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far it is possible to go.” T.S. Eliot




Therefore, if you want to change your life, if you want to achieve a certain goal or make a dream become a reality you will have to take all the necessary steps and take all those risks, where the odds are highly in your favor. Take your time to think about the risk you have to take, analyze the odds, but do not let your mind focus on what can go wrong, but in what can go well. If that dream you have, if that goal you have is what you really want, and if it will be for your own good, the odds will always be in your favor, so don’t think it too much, just take the risk and win!




Are the chances of having a positive outcome high? Could you win more than you can lose if you take the risk? If the answer yes, do not think it again, do not let your fears interfere with your dreams and with confidence just go ahead and take the risk!

2 thoughts on “No Risk, No Win”

  1. Así es muchas veces nos encontramos en la disyuntiva de tomar riesgos que implican salir de nuestra zona conocida o zona de confort, pero creo que vale la pena intentarlo.

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