Are You Committed to Change Your Life?

If we would spend the same amount of energy we spend on complaining on creating the life we want, how different our life would be. The problem is we are not always as committed on changing our lives as we are on complaining about the things we do not like about it. The good news is that the life we yearn, the things we want, and absolutely everything is possible, we only need to be willing to daily commit to create the life we want to experience. Are you committed to change your life?  

There are many things we may not like about our lives, but instead of doing something in order to change it, we spend our precious time complaining about the things we do not like. We tend to focus on the problem, and not in the solution. We surrender to a miserable life, instead of fighting for the life we really want. We do not commit to change our lives because we are already too committed on complaining about the different things in our lives that we despise.

Why? Because is easier that way, it is hard to change your life. It requires us to leave our comfort zone, which in fact is not so comfortable at all, but in this place we have everything we need to survive, so we refuse to do something to change our current situation, becoming the eternal complainers. But can you imagine how different our lives would be if we would simply decide to do something to change our lives? The first thing we need to know is that if we are not really committed on doing something in order to change it everything will remain as it is and nothing will change.

“Commitment is that turning point in your life when you seize the moment to alter your destiny.” – Denis Waitley

I found many times people being frustrated because they are upset with their jobs, or their current financial situation, people who are not happy with the things they are doing, with the career they have chosen, people who are unhappy with the relationship they are having with their partners, people who are depressed and sad because they are not living the life they want or doing the things they love, people who are unsatisfied with their health condition, people who is frustrated because they are failing in their tests at school or university, people who indeed have reasons to complain and feel miserable but people who haven’t done anything to change their lives.

I found myself many times being that kind of people, being the complainer not the doer. I always thought how easy my life would be if I could have the same luck as Aladdin and find a special lamp that I could rub so a genie can come out to offer me three wishes. Frustrated and disappointed because such a fantasy would never come true, I suddenly discovered that I could be my own genie. I mean, I always believed that God was ready to help me, so why I wasn’t doing anything to change my life? Because I never believed in myself. So one day I decided to become my own genie, quitting the habit of complaining, becoming the creator of my destiny.

“Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the right stuff to turn our dream into reality.” – James Womack

You too can become your own genie in the lamp. The first decision you need to make is to decide what you really want and take the first step in the direction of your goal. They say Rome wasn’t built in a day, so don’t be discouraged if you can’t change your life overnight. If you are really committed to make it happen, and if you take the right steps towards your dreams, you will eventually turn your life around. Do you want different results? Change your actions! The same behavior will give us the same outcomes. You don’t like your job? Change it! You are not doing well at school or at college? Study more! You don’t have enough money? Spend less! You want to travel? Do it! I know, it’s not so easy as it sounds, but if you focus on finding the way to change the things you are not happy with, you will eventually do it! And the key is: commitment.

Focus on the solution, not the problem. Cease to complain and take the reins of your own life, and create new and better outcomes. When do you should start? Today! What do you do? Decide what you want. What to do next? Take the first step! It doesn’t matter what you do to begin, the thing is to begin. Start building the life you want with whatever you have right now, as you move forward you will encounter new opportunities, people who will be ready to help you, tools that will help you build your dream, and if you are truly committed, sooner or later, life will welcome you with a new tomorrow.

“Most people fail, not because of lack of desire, but because of lack of commitment.” – Vince Lombardi

It’s not so hard as it seems, in fact, is much simpler than we think. The key is to do what we have to do in order to make it happen, that is the only way to get what we want. Whatever we are unhappy with our lives right now, complaining won’t change anything. Sometimes we can easily fix what is going wrong with our lives but sometimes it will require from us a bigger commitment, and sometimes the only way to improve our lives, to get what we want, and have the life we desire is to make a complete radical change. Start now, start today, and step by step create the life you want to experience. Everything is possible for those who dare to dream and are committed enough to make it happen!

Don’t give up, don’t give in, create the life you believe in. If you are really committed to change your life, there is nothing that can stop you!

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