Adrift or In Control: Steering Through Life’s Currents

It is common to find ourselves adrift, sailing in a sea of uncertainty. There is no sign of the shore; where we are heading is a mystery. The journey seems senseless, and though the waters are moving, we appear to be going nowhere. Some are aware of their current circumstances—they know they have no destination, route, or direction. However, others may not realize, or refuse to acknowledge, that they are castaways in a rocking boat, sailing aimlessly. We have two options: we can remain as we are and hope for a happy ending, or we can adjust the sails and set course for a desired destination.

Life begins, life ends, and what we do in the meantime shapes our experience. We create our own stories and leave our legacy. Our purpose is the reason for our existence because, without purpose, we wouldn’t be here. There are no accidents, no coincidences—we are here for a reason. Whether we choose to find that reason or not will determine our success, and the decision comes at our own expense. It may cost us a lot or nothing at all; everything depends on whether we choose to create our future or leave it to chance.

Imagine life as an ocean, and we are sailing through it in our ships. You can go anywhere in this ocean, but there will be times of adversity—storms, giant waves, and predatory creatures waiting to devour you. You will face scorching heat, feel fatigued, anxiety, sadness, anger, and at times, you may want to give up. But there will also be times of calm waters, perfect weather, and clear blue skies when you will feel happy, joyful, and hopeful—sailing with grace and courage. You will experience both phases throughout your journey, whether you have a direction or not, but your direction will determine your destination.

“The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Senior

You can choose a route to a mediocre, turbulent life, or you can choose a path that leads to a calm, happy, and fulfilling life. What I mean by this is that external circumstances vary—there will be turmoil and calmness beyond our control. However, what we can control is whether we become victims of our environment or creators of our future. We have the power to take back control of our lives, adjust the sails, and courageously navigate toward the destination we truly want.

I want to clarify that I’m not advocating for a fully planned life. I believe it’s important to live in the moment, enjoy life, and let it surprise us. However, we must still determine what we want to avoid losing control. We must always aim for something and never lose sight of our desires. For instance, I love traveling and often buy one-way tickets without knowing where I’ll be tomorrow. But at the same time, I know my ultimate goal. I know my desired destination—not in terms of a final stop, but in terms of the journey and purpose of my life. For me, that purpose is traveling the world with the person I love, embarking on new adventures, and helping and inspiring others to become the best versions of themselves, making the world a better place.

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.” – Henry David Thoreau

So, while I may have yet to plan every detail of my life, I know what I want. That gives me the power to adjust the sails and change course if I’m not heading in the right direction. Are you on the right path, or are you adrift? Is what you’re doing now bringing you closer to where you want to be tomorrow? In fact, the most crucial question is: Do you know where you want to be tomorrow?

If your answer is yes, congratulations! Keep moving forward, adjust your sails when necessary, and never lose sight of your goal. Meanwhile, enjoy the beautiful, sometimes chaotic, but always amazing journey. If your answer is no, you have two options: You can determine what you truly want—because deep down, I believe we all know what we really want, though societal limits and pressures often stifle our dreams—or you can refuse to live up to your potential and leave your life to chance.

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” – Lao Tzu

Dreaming big costs you nothing. Not dreaming at all may cost you everything. If you gamble with your life, there’s a high chance you’ll lose it all. So, don’t let adversity sink you. Don’t let the current decide your future. Take control of your ship, determine your destination, choose the best route, adjust the sails, and steer with courage and faith toward a life that brings out the best version of yourself—the life you deserve!

Don’t be a castaway adrift, leaving your future to luck. Take control and create the life you’ve always imagined!

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