Letting go of the past

Our past consumes us, no matter how good or how bad it was; it consumes us, and not only ourselves, but it consumes our present and our whole life if we don’t let it go.


We live tied to a past world, which has defined us and which we now use as an excuse to be who we are and to act as we act now. Each of our decisions, every thought, every action, and every word out of our mouth is based on our past.

The experiences we have in our daily life, which generate our feelings, are not much different from others we already have, like pain, sadness, anger, anxiety, happiness, excitement, joy, and so on. But our reality, the reality based on how we feel about what is happening, has much to do with what has happened before. Our mind seeks similarities to past events and how we reacted to those events, which is why we react now as we reacted before, without giving us the opportunity to analyze what is really happening right now and act based on what we really believed and felt at that time.

Living tied up to the past creates fears, it create obstacles that prevent us to reinvent ourselves in every situation, it doesn’t let us go forward with confidence, blocking us, making us who we were and forgetting who we might be now. We stop doing things, or we can’t go forward with our friends, romantic or family relationships, jobs, and so on, because in the past, we have failed, allowing the past to cause fears and define us as people who have failed forever. Or maybe our past was too good, so we live. We let ourselves die in that past without enjoying the present. So, as we are unable to let go of the past, we forget to live today in our present, so we believe that former days were better; we stick ourselves to that, and so it reflects our current reality, a reality full of sadness and bitterness.

We bring the past to the present day after day, a past that dominates us, who speaks and acts for us, a past that blocks us and makes us prisoners, losing any ability to act, to think, and to be what we really want to be, losing any possibility of freedom.

”Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” – Buddha

Living in the past creates an imaginary reality. Everything we perceive every day is based on what we have experienced, for we live in an illusion, which only creates unhappiness since our feelings about what is happening to us day after day are wrong.

The past seizes our present, moving us away from everything we really want in life, we let the past to create our destiny for what can dominate us, so it can think and feel for us.

So then, my friends, we don’t get anything we want, or we get it, and then we lose it, and that is why we go after anything we don’t deserve, and we just do not value what we have now, because we live in our past, which defines us and makes us act as we act.

We move away from people who love us. We avoid relationships with people because, in the past, we haven’t been loved, and so by living in the past, we cannot see the current reality. We see one that is totally imaginary, we believe that everything that resembles a past relationship that was unsatisfactory will be the same even if it indicates that is totally different. Or if the past was good, but for some reason ended, we stay in that past where everything was better, and we believe that it will not be another like that one, so we avoid any kind of relationship in the present. We avoid any situation that can generate suffering according to what we believe based on our past experiences, locking us in a prison that only creates that suffering that we once wanted to avoid.

”Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it.” – The Lion King

We avoid going for what we want. We avoid making our dreams come true because, at some point, we have gone through a situation where we have failed, or in which we saw someone fail, or where we have the belief that someone imposed on us that we can never achieve what we want because we simply don’t have the skills or abilities to make our dreams a reality, accepting that past as a present, and accepting ourselves as incapable and unsuccessful, accepting a reality that could be different if we just let the past behind, believing in ourselves and if we just lived in the present, since each second is a new opportunity to be who we really are, forgetting who we were or who they told us that we were.

No matter what happens in your life, what is important is that you are here today, that you can breathe, and you can live. Come back to the present, and don’t let the past keep defining you; rather, be the one who uses the past as a way of defining yourself, a way to say this happened to me, and I was like that. Still, now I am what I am because of that, I didn’t let the situation that happened in my past to destroy me; I used that as a motivation to become what I am now!

”No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.” Buddha

No matter if your past was a total failure and if nothing was good for you, today is a new day, a new day to affirm and act as a new you, because you’re who you say you are, your failures, your fears, your old beliefs, whatever you have said, that doesn’t define you, you do that every day with your thoughts and actions. You can create any reality you want to create.

You have the power and ability to change your whole existence, and how can you do that?

Leaving the past where it belongs, in the past!

It has been bad or good, it does not matter, leave it there, and with that you will also leave your fears behind as well. You will leave what you were before to become who you choose to be now, and you will get what you always wanted: love, a job, friendship, experiences, and so on. Leaving the prison of the past behind, returning to be free again, believing and dreaming, making all your dreams come true, defining yourself as what you really are: a wonderful human being with an infinite capacity to get everything you ever wanted to have.

Live in the present, create your future, and leave your past behind.

230 thoughts on “Letting go of the past”

  1. Me encanto meli!! Tenes mucha razón en todo lo que decís, y es algo muy importante, porque si no se deja el pasado atrás nunca se va a poder salir adelante, para poder lograrlo hay que dejarlo!!!!!! y vivir simplemente el presente! 🙂

    1. Melisa

      The Real Person!

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      The Real Person!

      Author Melisa acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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      Si asi es Luci!! Si no lo dejamos atras, no vamos a poder seguir adelante, ni llegar a tener aquello que realmente deseamos tener, lo mas importante para ser feliz es vivir en el presente, y elegir dia a dia quien realmente queremos ser! 🙂

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