The Consequences of Our Actions

Our actions and their consequences shape our future. Every action causes a consequence either long-term or short-term. Some of them are reversible, and some are irreversible. Some are insignificant, having no important impact in our lives, but some consequences can change our lives for the better or for worst. Therefore, it is very important to remember that we cannot scape from the consequences of our actions. We create our destiny day after day, decision after decision and action after action.

Our life is basically the result of our actions, and in some cases is also composed by the result of the actions of other people. The consequences of our actions create our reality and shape our future, and they are most of them under our control. Then, we have the actions of other people, we cannot control them but we can control how we react against the consequences of their actions, and once again what we think, feel and do will produce a certain consequence in our lives, what will give us a certain experience. In the end, our own decisions and actions create our daily experience.

Most of the time we can be aware of the consequence of an action. If we drink too much we know we are going to get drunk, if we do not sleep enough we know we are going to feel tired, if we eat spoiled food we know we are going to get sick, but the problem is that sometimes, we do not have the power to know the consequence that will be produced by a certain action, what creates uncertainty, and that is why sometimes is very hard to make a decision. It is then, very important to make good choices, thinking in the consequence that we are going to get in the future as result of an action we take today, creating the kind of life we would like to experience.

“Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices.” – Alfred A. Montapert

We should not always be afraid of consequences. If they are favorable they can bring us a wonderful experience, but if they are not, they somehow have the power to teach us a lesson. For example, when a child wants to do something that won’t have a good consequence in its life, like touching the oven when its mother is cooking. As kids we are not aware of the consequences of our actions, so we normally do something even when the consequences are not going to be favorable, but after experiencing the awful consequence of touching the hot oven and getting burn one learn a very valuable lesson, but we are not going to avoid the pain of the burn.

What I mean with this is that sometimes the consequences of our actions will bring us the chance to grow and evolve, but at the same time we will not be able to avoid the outcome of that consequence. Whatever you do now will have a consequence in the future, so in order to avoid regret is good to avoid doing those kind of things that we already know that won’t produce a positive consequence for our lives, and if we do not know what could happen, if the odds are more in our favor, if the chances of positive consequences are high and the negatives low, then we should move on and take the risk.

“In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences.” – Robert Green Ingersoll

Therefore, take the kind of actions that will lead you to the place you want to be, and will bring you the kind of things you would like to get. We have right now, in this very moment the opportunity to create the life we want, we can start shaping the future we yearn, and we do that with every choice, and action after action. Whatever you want to experience tomorrow, start creating it now. When we make an action that won’t produce a favorable consequence, even though it will teach us a lesson and it will, in some way, help us to grow and evolve, we limit ourselves from living a wonderful, joyful and happy life, and we risk losing very valuable things in our lives.

Take the actions that will produce the consequences you would like to experience and you will have the opportunity to live the life you have always imagined!

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