Is your past still present in your life?

Sometimes our past is more present than we think, and that is one of the reasons why we are still standing in the same place in our present. The problem is that everything that is related with our past, that we haven’t let go is still interfering with our present, and prevents us from moving forward. For that reason, in order to achieve our desired goals and dreams and create our future, we must first remove our past from our present.

How many things that are related with your past are still living in your present? And with that I do not only mean only material things, but memories, thoughts, feelings, people and experiences. What place does your past occupy in your present? Does it occupy a huge part or small part in your life? How much of it are still alive in your heart?

Try to reflect about your life and your present, try to relax and calm down from your daily obligations and pressures, and when you are ready look around you, and look inside of you: Can you see your past dominating your present? Are your past emotions and feelings blocking you from moving forward? Is stopping you from achieving your goals and desires? Are your past experiences and emotions influencing your present and making decisions for you?


“Holding on is believing that there’s only a past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future.” – Daphne Rose Kingma

If the answer is no, well done! You have done a great job getting rid from your past and you are living your present to the fullest, without being influenced by it. But if the answer is yes, my next question will be: Does your past serve you in your present? That is to say, it is giving you the results you have been looking for? It is useful in your present? It is helping you in any way or,  it is simply blocking you from getting the things you want to get?

The thing is our past does not have to be always a disadvantage in our present life, as long as the reason of being in our present is to take the best out of ourselves and give us strength. Our past, whether if was good or bad, is always a lesson, a lesson we should learn, so we can apply the knowledge acquired in our present, and at the same time, it should never be forgotten, so we do not repeat the same actions again. That is the important part of it, and the one that we should keep in our present, together with memories that lift our heart and brighten our days.

“The mental and physical space we create by letting go of things that belong in our past gives us the option to fill the space with something new.” – Susan Fay West

Everything from your past that not serves you in your present, does not bring any benefits in your life, any bad memory, or relationship, or good and bad experiences, every emotion, every person, as well as every thing including material things from our past that doesn’t help us in any way should be removed from our present to leave space for new and better things.

If our heart, mind and our environment is full of things from our past that does not make us grow, make us better, make us happy, or make us be the person we want to be and have the things we want to get, Why we should keep them if it is not only to sabotage our own lives? Why we should keep it alive when it kills our present and destroys our future? We have a chain around our necks that is leaving us without breath and that chain is our past, why keep living like that when we have the key to our own freedom?

“You’ve got to make a conscious choice every day to shed the old – whatever ‘the old’ means for you.” – Sarah Ban Breathnach

Today is the right day to clean your heart, mind and your whole life and take away from them all the things from your past that do not serve you anymore. Take all those  things, people, memories, experiences and feelings that do not make you happy, or make you grow, or make you the person you want to be, even those that may seem good, because everything that is from the past has nothing to do with your present, neither your future, they may have been bad or painful, or good or great but they are the past and we have to let them go, so we can move forward and leave space for those great things that are waiting for us.

What would be the first thing that does not serve you anymore in any way? What is that memory, thing, emotion or experience from your past that is stopping you from moving forward? Start with it, and without thinking it too much: just let it go!

It is time to grab a bag, put the things from our past that do not serve us in our present, and throw them away, and make space for all the great things that are yet to come!

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