Improve your Strategies for Better Outcomes

Some of the circumstances that happen in our life are inevitable, some of them are simply a matter of luck, and some of them are the product of our actions. Our life is not already written, but it is easy to think it is, because that way we disclaim ourselves from any responsibility and we blame destiny for being the cause of our hardships. The truth is we create our life with our own actions, and if the outcomes we are getting are not the desired ones, it is time to improve our life strategies.


If we keep thinking the same thoughts, if keep having the same feelings, if we keep making the same actions and having the same behaviors, we are going to keep getting what we have always got. The question now is: Are you getting the outcomes you expect to get? If the answer is yes, congratulations! You’re heading in the right direction! If the answer is no, you will need to change your strategies, and do something in a different way until you get the desired outcomes.

If we are not getting what we want is probably because something is not working as it should, something we are doing is not helping us to get the outcomes we expect. Normally we blame life, our family, time, money, or anything we can put our blame on for not getting the outcomes we want, but the truth is, in most cases we are the cause of our own failure. Therefore, if we want better outcomes, if we want to succeed we will have to change something in order to be successful, and stop doing the kind of things that has only gave us failure.

“Achieve success in any area of life by identifying the optimum strategies and repeating them until they become habits.” – Charles J. Givens

The first and most important thing we should know in order to succeed is to know that we do not depend on our environment to succeed, but in having the ability to not fall in the trap of remaining captive in that environment. That is to say, no matter where we are right now, and which our external circumstances, we can always create a better tomorrow, and the key to do that is not to surrender to our current circumstances, and take responsibility for our own life, and create with our own actions the life we truly want to experience, and take all the right actions in order to get the desired outcomes.

If you want something different, if you want a better outcome for your life you need to change your current actions and improve your strategies. What are you doing now that is giving you results? What are you doing that is not giving you the outcomes you want? What are you not doing that can help you get the outcomes you desire? What kind of strategies have you been using that haven’t given you the outcomes you expected? What can you do today to improve them? Think about those questions, determine what you want, and discover what you can do that will help you get the outcomes you want. Read, ask, learn, make mistakes, take risks, try once more, improve, improve and improve until you are successful, but never give up!

“The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.” – Mark Caine

There is always something you can do better, there is always something that you can improve, do not limit yourself by thinking that is nothing else you can do, or that you can’t aspire for more, you have greatness within you, and you can achieve anything if you work hard, if you are persevering, and if you never surrender to any hardship. You can always grow, learn, improve, evolve and succeed. Learn from past mistakes, learn from other people’s mistakes, ask questions, learn new things, improve yourself, develop your potential, and do not stop until you get the outcomes you want to get.

If what you have been thinking, feeling and doing has not given you the outcomes you wish to get, it is time to improve your strategies. Do not be afraid to change, do not be afraid to try something new, do not be afraid of failure, remember that failure is only real when you give up! Change your strategies, and get the outcomes you want!

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