Follow Your Passion, and the Rest Will Follow

We spend most of our time immersed in an endless race. We go through life chasing something, believing it will give us everything we want. This thing is called money, and we think it will make all our dreams come true. We make money our first priority, chasing it at all costs. Ultimately, we pay a high price for it and lose everything. We realize that money blinded us, leading us down the wrong path. In the process, we’ve killed our own dreams, burned our desires, and extinguished the flame of our passion. To avoid this, we must change direction and follow our passion—not money, before it’s too late.

Somehow, we’ve come to believe that having money will make us happy and successful. We’ve been told a wonderful story about money. A fantastic picture was painted in our minds, giving us the idea that money allows us to buy every possession in this world and, with it, everlasting happiness. And we believed it. The problem is that we started chasing money instead of our passion, not realizing we were heading straight toward our downfall.

The danger of chasing money is that we fall into a big trap. This trap lures us, making us believe that money solves all our problems and is the key to a happy and fulfilled life. So, we start chasing it, falling right into its claws. Slowly, it devours our souls alive. It consumes every part of us, making us so addicted and dependent that we feel we need it to survive. It convinces us that money brings happiness, while the lack of it brings misery. Deaf and blind, we defend this idea until the day we die.

“Chase your passion, not your pension.” – Denis Waitley

But how many successful people do you see out there? And by “successful,” I don’t mean just having money—because having money doesn’t always equal success. I mean people who are living their passion, who have achieved their dreams and desires, and who are truly happy and alive. How many people do you see who are happy doing what they do? Not many, is there?

The issue for most of us is that we chase money, get it, and settle. As long as we can acquire material possessions, we convince ourselves that we are happy, even if that happiness depends on something as ephemeral as money. We live in a system that makes us believe money is the key to a happy life. So, we don’t follow what truly makes us happy; we follow money, believing that one day, we’ll be free enough to chase our passion. But that day never comes.

“There is no passion to be found playing small, in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” – Nelson Mandela

Therefore, it’s crucial to chase your passion. Your passion is your purpose. It’s doing what you love, what makes you happy. No matter what that is, you can always make a living doing what you love. Money shouldn’t be your primary purpose. If it is, you haven’t yet figured out why you’re truly here, and you’re limiting yourself from living a wonderful life.

If you chase money, you’ll always be chasing it. But if you chase your passion, money will follow. People chase money; they get it, lose it, get more, lose more, get it back, throw it away, and the cycle continues. They bury themselves deeper in this madness. It never stops. This is why most people live miserable lives. The problem isn’t whether they have money or not. The problem is what they lose, hide, sacrifice, kill, destroy, and forget—for money.

“If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.” – Bishop T.D. Jakes

What is your passion? What makes you happy? What do you love to do? What is your dream? Take time to think about it—this is really important, my friend. Discover your purpose, find your passion, and go out and chase it. Chase it under the sun, in the storm, through light or darkness. Whether you feel strong or weak, no matter how hard it gets or how far away your goal seems, no matter how impossible it looks, always follow your passion—and everything else, including money, will follow. Don’t settle. Don’t limit yourself. Don’t become the killer of your own dreams.

Decide what you want to do, and do it. Be the best at it. Fail, try again, fail better, and never stop. Chase your passion with confidence and commitment, and live the life of your dreams!

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