Face your Fears!

At least once in our lives we will be challenged to face our fears in order to grow up, evolve, in order to get what we yearn, achieve our goals and make our dreams become a reality. The victory is not guaranteed, but if we let our fears win, if we refuse to leave our comfort zone, if we decide not to pursue our dreams, if we succumb to our fears, one things is guaranteed: Our own defeat and the death of our dreams. Therefore, if we want to make our dreams become a reality we should face all our fears!


Our fears have the ability to paralyze us. They create a burden between us and our dreams. They limit us, they stop us, they steal our hopes, they snatch our dreams. There are many reasons for which most of the people haven’t achieved their dreams and one of them is because of their fears. The fear of the unknown, the fear of losing something, the fear of failure, the fear of what people would think of them if they fail, or if they succeed. These and many other fears that have sabotaged our own dreams.

As I look back into my past I can see how many times I refused to do something I wanted to do, or I gave up a certain goal, or I stopped pursing a special dream and all because of my fears. “What if I can’t do it?” “What if I fail?” “What if I am not good enough?” “What would people think of me if I do it?” “What if I lose?” “What if, what if, what if…” I hear those questions resonating in my head as it was yesterday when I said them. That was not my true self speaking, those words were my fears speaking for me. “What if”: That is how fears start confusing ourselves, that is their language.

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Therefore, in order to face our fears and achieve all our dreams we must first detect when our fears have taken the control of our own minds. Why is important to do that? Because once we detect that our fears are controlling our thoughts, we can quickly take back the control and start thinking for ourselves. If we are not careful our fears will take the control of our minds and they will decide for us, and they will shape our destiny. We should face them and challenge them, and prove them wrong.

Life is like a box of chocolates, there are different shapes, different fillings, different tastes, some are sweet, some are bitter, you can like them all or only a few, but you end enjoying all the box. One thing is certain in this world: Nothing is sure, and you will never know the taste of what is inside the box until you begin to try it. For one moment to another our life could take an unexpected turn, and everything could change. Therefore, if we go safely, if we do not take risks, if we remain in our comfort zone we will never truly end enjoying our lives, we will simple exist, and all our dreams will be buried into oblivion.

“He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most of the time our fears are not real. For example: Every time I turn off the light I think something horrible is going to appear, but it never happens. The reason is because what I imagine that is going to happen is not real, it is all in my mind. Our fears are founded by the environment where we were born. It happens with all our fears, and we can overcome them if we are willing to face them.

I was once afraid of spiders, one day I wondered why? Why I am so afraid of something that never did something to me? The problem is that I was programmed to fear them, I decided to overcome that fear, and I faced what I feared the most. It was hard in the beginning, but day after day my fear has started to vanish.

“Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it.” – Judy Blume

It happened with my fear of living in another country, with another culture and language. My fears tried to stop me, at some point they wanted to protect me, so they wanted me to stay in my comfort zone. One day I woke up, and I said to myself: “You know what, if you are going to fear something, fear the idea of living a miserable life for the rest of your life for not having pursued your dreams.” That day I silenced my fears, and I took the first step in the direction of my dreams. It is when you decide to face them, when your life gets another meaning. Do what you fear the most and grow, improve, reborn, evolve.

All your dreams, all the things you want, all your desires are on the other side of your fears. Don’t let them stop you, don’t let them snatch your dreams, face them, challenge them, and defeat them!

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