The Hidden Poison: How Toxic People Affect Our Lives

We live in a revolutionary era where people are awakening to the true reality around them. The current state of our planet and the various diseases caused by our negligent actions are no longer hidden or unknown. However, there is one overlooked source of pollution that is highly dangerous to all humans: toxic people. The venom of these individuals is extremely poisonous, and caution is advised.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are”? I remember someone saying that to me a few years ago—I don’t recall who it was, but it was likely someone wise. This person meant that our behaviors and habits can be influenced by those we surround ourselves with, for better or worse. It is undeniable that no matter how incorruptible we think we are, or how strong we believe our character to be, someone at some point can create a significant impact and change our behaviors, beliefs, and habits.

On the other hand, people can influence how we feel, for better or worse. That’s why I also say, “Tell me who you spend your time with, and I will tell you how you feel.” If you are surrounded by people with good energy—positive, happy, and kind individuals—you will likely end up feeling good, even if only for a moment. Conversely, if you surround yourself with negative, toxic people, you will end up feeling bad.

“Toxic people will pollute everything around them. Don’t hesitate. Fumigate.” – Mandy Hale

This is like when someone is sick and still goes out, for example, to work or school; someone with a weak immune system will likely catch the same virus. Similarly, when you are surrounded by toxic people, who are already infected with anger, sadness, stress, pain, and fear, you risk being “infected” as well. Some of these individuals may not even realize the extent of their negativity, or they may be unwilling to acknowledge it. The “virus” inside them has taken total control and is highly contagious. For this reason, we have two options: either we maintain distance from these people, or we take extreme caution when dealing with them, especially when we are already not feeling well.

This does not mean that we should not help those in need, but one thing I’ve learned is that nobody can help someone who does not want to help themselves. Therefore, it is important to help each other, to support those who cry out for help, even if it’s in silence. We can be the cure or relief that a toxic person needs, but the key is to not let their venom infect us. It is wise to know when to stay and when to walk away.

“Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground.” Wilfred Peterson

Thus, it is crucial to surround ourselves as much as possible with non-toxic people—those who bring us peace, joy, and happiness. It is also wise to spend as little time as possible with toxic individuals. Although it’s not always possible to choose the people around us—since toxic people are everywhere, from schools to workplaces, and even in our own homes and neighborhoods—we can find ways to become as immune as possible to their venom and wise enough to know with whom we should spend most of our time.

People can be a healthy nutrient for our souls, helping us maximize our potential, or they can be the poison that prevents us from reaching our full potential. They can be the key to our success or the cause of our failure. Choose them wisely.

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