The Road to Healing: Letting Go of the Past

Sometimes, in a person’s life, a battle occurs between them and their past. This battle occurs in the present. The past controls and conditions the present, and the person becomes a victim of their past, causing their life to be covered with suffering. But is the past indeed the cause of suffering? If this battle is real, how can we win?

Imagine with me for a moment that we are witnessing a trial—a fictional trial. Today, the court is going to dictate the sentence. The victim is a woman, and the defendant is her past. The woman accuses her past of destroying her life. According to her, everything that happened to her and everyone involved in her past caused permanent damage. She believes that her present is conditioned by what did or didn’t happen and by those responsible. She claims that her past is the sole cause of all the suffering she experiences in her present.

The trial proceeds, and after hours of debate, it is time for the verdict. After carefully reviewing the case, the court reaches a decision. The defendant, her past, is exonerated of all charges, while the victim is found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. However, she will not be behind bars; instead, she will remain attached to her past for the rest of her life, condemned to a life of misery and despair.

“Too often, we carry around those things from our past that hurt us the most. Don’t let past pain rob you of your present happiness. You had to live through it in the past, and that cannot be changed, but if the only place it lives today is in your mind, then forgive, let go, and be free.” – Doe Zantamata

In this trial, the past is accused of causing suffering and permanent damage to the woman’s present. So why is it exonerated? How is the victim declared guilty while the past is found innocent? Because the court isn’t judging the situations, experiences, or people from her past—they are judging whether the past can cause pain in her present. The court decides that the past itself cannot cause suffering in a place where it no longer exists. The only one who can keep the past alive in the present is the individual, through their mind. Therefore, if we remain attached to the past in the present, we are responsible for our own suffering.

When we become victims of our past, we immediately condemn ourselves to a life in prison. By refusing to let go and remaining attached, we take on the role of victim, which only leads to more suffering. The truth is, we cannot change what happened, no matter how painful it was, but we can change our present. We can choose to let go of the past, step away from the role of victim, and release ourselves from that harsh sentence.

“Today is a new day. Don’t let your history interfere with your destiny! Let today be the day you stop being a victim of your circumstances and start taking action towards the life you want. You have the power and the time to shape your life. Break free from the poisonous victim mentality and embrace the truth of your greatness. You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life!” – Steve Maraboli

Our past may have been our worst nightmare. We may have suffered, been damaged, or hurt by others. We may feel justified in our victimhood. But by holding on to resentment and hate, we won’t change what happened, nor will we feel better. Instead, those feelings will slowly and painfully consume us. Our past may never be something we fully overcome, but if we don’t stop being its victims—if we don’t let it go—we will carry it like a burden on our backs, condemning ourselves to a life of misery.

It’s a difficult battle, the one fought between you and your past. But victory is possible. To win, to truly defeat it, there are a few things you must do. The first is to stop fighting. Let go. Accept it. Forgive. Release the resentment. Learn. These are the steps to cease your suffering. End this pointless battle, and take back control of your feelings, emotions, and life.

Stop being a victim of your past. Let it go. Cut all attachments to it. Cleanse your body, soul, and mind from resentment, and begin anew. Only then will you heal your heart, end the suffering, and become free to start a new life!

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