My Story

Hi everyone and welcome to my personal blog! Here is a little bit about my story 🙂



My life was pretty the same as every human being on this planet, doing everything  I was supposed to do to make sure I was going to get the life that would make me happy. But one day I found myself completely lost, I was feeling empty even though I was doing everything I should do to have a happy life, but I wasn’t feeling happy at all, instead I was feeling completely sad and depressed, so one day I looked myself in the mirror and I said to myself: Hey Melisa! If you were going to die tomorrow could you say that you are a happy person, that you are expressing your true self, doing the things you want and love? And my answer was a resounding NO.  So I decided to leave everything behind and start doing the things I really wanted to do.


”Everything you’ve ever wanted, is one step outside your comfort zone.”



So I left my comfort zone and I started travelling, I went straight from Buenos Aires to Copenhagen, Denmark, and I started a new life, in a new place, with a new culture, a new language, and with different people. It wasn’t easy, It’s not easy leaving your comfort zone believe me, that’s why so many people never do that, but I can guarantee you, that leaving your secure and comfort little zone will be worth it, it will be one of the most wonderful experiences you will ever have, it will change your whole life, because when you struggle but in the good way, by doing those things  you love to do, it is there when you find yourself, it is in that moment when your life has meaning.

So my mind change completely, I went from thinking that life was a very mean and nasty place, hating it so much that sometimes I just wanted to die rather than keep trying to find something that seemed so unreachable as happiness, to see how beautiful and amazing it was. My perception changed completely and so my beliefs, my thoughts, my behaviors, my actions, and my entirely reality.

What I want to tell you, is that yes I found happiness, where? Within myself. I realized that I never needed to do anything that wasn’t being just me, and I did that by believing in myself, and once I did that I started to love myself more, and life more, and for that every little human being in this world.


”Happiness is a journey, not a destination.” 



What I want? What is my dream? I want people to feel the same, I want people to be happy every single day. We live in a paradise, we have everything, and we have a huge power within ourselves to do whatever we want and to make any dream a reality.

We can end all the pain, the suffering, the sadness in the world, we need to start believing in ourselves, love ourselves more, to see life as it really is and above all we need to be reunited, because together we can make this a better place, we need to change our belief, our thoughts and our behaviors.


”Be the change you want to see in the world.”  – Mahatma Gandhi.


And of course it’s not easy, it’s hard changing your life, it’s hard leaving the comfort zone, but if we stop complaining about life, and we start doing something. If we start a love revolution that can bring love to ourselves and every human being on this planet then we can make this world a beautiful place to live!. With one single thought we can change it everything: I can do this!

Once again welcome to this journey and I’m happy that you are here with me, the more we are together; the more we are going to do to change the world.


It’s time to share what we have been looking for, It’s time for a:





P.S: Even though my English is getting better and better, it is not my first language. I apologize for any mistake, and I appreciate any correction 🙂 Every post belongs to me, and all of them are my own personal opinions and beliefs, based on my own experiences. I hope they can help you as they help me every day, but you should always follow your own truth, your own heart.

29 thoughts on “My Story”

  1. My sister❤️❤️ I love every single word, just have so much inspiration en every phrase!! Thank you for helping me to believe!
    Te quiero mucho y te va a ir muy bien!!!!

    1. Muchas gracias! ♥ I’m happy to help you, and I hope you make all your dreams come true, I know you can! Te quiero mucho!! 🙂

  2. Muy bueno Meli, nuestras experiencias de vidas pueden abrir nuevos caminos para otros.. Genia besos 🙂

    1. Totalmente! Pasamos por lo que pasamos por algo, demostremosle al mundo que si, que todo es posible si se quiere realmente, Abrazos! 🙂

  3. Great! You have a wonderful talent for writing! I love you and I miss you. Keep going your way!

    1. Thank you so much for your words and for your support Asami! I love you and miss you too. Hope you are doing great, and hope to see you again one day! 🙂

  4. My dear daughter, makes me very happy to know that you are growing as a human being and has developed a talent for writing these beautiful words. I hope your happiness will never end and I wish that all your dreams come true. With all my love, your dad.

    1. Thank you so much for your words and for your support dad! I wish you all the best in the world, you deserve it! Once again thank you, because of you I am where I am now. I love you!

    2. Thank you so much for everything dad! I wish you all the best in the world, you deserve it! Once again thank you, for your support, and for helping me be the person I am now, because of you I am where I am. I love you! ♥

  5. Querida hija, me encanta tu blog y más tus pensamientos que emanan de un corazón sano, libre y lleno de amor. Amor para con vos y sobre todo amor para dar a tu prójimo. No te quedes, no te detengas, siempre seguí para adelante, aunque muchas veces cueste y no veas la luz. La luz y el camino correcto siempre está presente, solamente que nosotros muchas veces no la vemos porque estamos muy pendientes de nuestros problemas que no la podemos ver. Solamente necesitamos ese pequeño granito de arena que es la fe y transmitir amor a los que nos rodean. Que nos devuelvan una sonrisa, vale más que mil palabras. Te amo mucho, hija

    1. Muchas gracias Mami por tus palabras y por haberme enseñado todo lo que me has enseñado, a ser fuerte, a creer siempre y a dar al prójimo lo que nos gustaría recibir. Te amo mucho y nunca dejes de luchar, nunca olvides que no estas sola y que nunca es tarde para soñar y para hacerlos realidad. Te amo! ❤ 🙂

  6. Che negra estas hecha una poetisa.
    Decime pls a que tubo lee estuviste dando? Pasame el dato querida. Lindo verte con esa honda Menu. Espero vertverte pronto
    No tengo más el bar!

    1. Viste Dani jaja muchas gracias! 🙂 Espero que estes muy bien y que todos tus proyectos sigan para adelante! Un beso enorme y espero verte pronto tambien!.
      Un abrazo y un beso grade.

    1. Hello Rachel, thank you for such loving words and for visiting my blog. I am glad you like it. Have a lovely day, a wonderful life and may your heart be always be filled with love and happiness!

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