When There is Teamwork, Success is Inevitable

True success in every aspect of our lives can only be achieved through teamwork. If humans are willing to work together as a team, if they cooperate and work together as one for the benefit of all, they can overcome any obstacle, win any battle and obtain ultimate success. There is nothing more powerful than a group of humans willing to work together as a team, when individuals become part of a group, when humans gather together and work for their own benefit as well as the benefits of others the opportunities for success are endless and ultimate peace can finally be achieved.

Why is it that ultimate peace is so unreachable? Peace is something we all seek to obtain, peace of mind, peace in our homes, in our jobs, in our communities, peace in our hearts and world peace, but for some reason, we always fail to achieve it. There are many reasons of why this happens, but one them is that we have forgotten to live together as a team. We live in a very individualistic world where everyone is after their own benefits at the expenses of others. Life has become a huge competition and we live our lives as if we were participants of the “Hunger Games”.

While competition in sports, games and other cases can be necessary, exciting and fun, competition in all aspects of our lives can be deadly. When members of a family compete between each other, when colleagues at work compete between each other, when friends compete within each other, when humans of different nationalities, religion and cultures compete within each other, as individuals, for the merely purpose of obtaining one’s own personal satisfaction or benefit, refusing to be part of a group, we choose to put ourselves in the path to darkness, and hatred, fear, resentment, pain and suffering are its consequences.

“The only competition worthy of a wise man is with himself.” – Washington Allston

Therefore, competition is a double-edged sword, while it can be sometimes fun and encourage teamwork, gives adrenaline, and can makes us better person than we were yesterday, if it is used in the wrong way, it can only destroy, create pain, and snatch our peace. The truth is that life is not a competition, no good can be obtained in fighting between each other, and in ceasing to work as a big team, for the benefits of those in our same group, and the benefits of others. Success can be obtained working together without needing to trample on others to achieve it.

What I am trying to express is that is not wrong to look after your own benefit, it is not wrong to go after your own dreams and desires, and fight for what you love and makes you happy, for that reason, if you want to obtain success as an individual compete with the person you were yesterday, no with others, evolve, grow, learn, work hard, be better than you were yesterday, and become the best version of yourself, and life will take care of the rest. However, remember that true success and ultimate peace in our lives and in the whole world can only be achieved through teamwork. No evil can stop a bunch of human beings willing to do good, working as a team.

“A boat doesn’t go forward if each one is rowing their own way.” – Swahili Proverb

If peace seems so unreachable is because we have separated each other, forgetting that we are part of a whole. In the end we are all the same, with particular characteristics, desires, dreams and personalities, but we belong to each other, and together we can make the impossible possible. Let’s gather together and work together as a team in our homes, in our schools, in our jobs and in every aspect of our lives, let’s help each other, let’s live in peace and remember that teamwork is key to ultimate success. No home, no relationship, no company, no country, can be truly successful without team work. Our merely existence depends on teamwork, without it we are nothing. Either we succeed as a team or we fail as individuals.

As individuals we are finite, as a team we are eternal. As individuals we can be strong, unique and fantastic, but as a team we are powerful and unbeatable!

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